
As a gay man (which is how I start all my sentences) I was impressed by the Nina nudity. It was very beautifully shot - especially the side angle - and served a nice purpose show-casing her post-coital comfort, walking around naked.

I believe it's mentioned somewhere else, but Cristina's abortion in season 7/8 is still a highlight - a woman choosing to not have children, and to have an abortion, is still something rarely found on network television.

I'd doctor myself into that doctor.

I get the impression that any TV moment - from this to the Red Wedding - would have been populated by these douche questions if sitting beside you.


I know this isn't on-topic but didn't know where to comment:

Wasn't that the old slogan for Mrs. Butterworth?

"Next season on Game Of Thrones…"

I agree with that sizing up of Yara. She's driven by that most dangerous of Thrones motivators, actual empathy — as opposed to fierce familial loyalty.

I was saying that to someone yesterday — I keep thinking she's gotten an easy ride, that she avoids the "shit just happens to good people" GOT stuff, but then remember how fucking knife-twisty losing her husband and child was in season one.

Now I'm just imagining an entire re-conception of the show for season 4.

Indeed. I morally agree with her reasoning and her actions — though I do think things still come far too easy to her — but by disrupting the power dynamic in this region so hugely she risks creating a version of the ruthless and fatal Westeros.

Can we get Hodor Hodoring the theme tune for next season?

I agree that the Dany ending was a bit colonialist, but I've always viewed her story with a bit of distance — I think that in her head all is going swimmingly, but she can't see how deluded she's become. At some point when she's crossed the line by a good margin it will come back to get her.

"It’s like reality itself threatened to sue Lifetime if associated with Pretty Wicked Moms."
Fantastic line.

I didn't think of that! Very good, yes. I more thought it was just a vacant, pointless act of revenge, something she knew was hollow and pre-destined even as she did it.

I didn't think it was revenge, the Lannisters have enough reason for hatred. More that everyone's running out of relatives to marry off.

Sorry buddy, "decimate" now legitimately means to destroy a large percentage of (as well as the original meaning of the one in ten, which is rarely used because… when does it ever come up?).

Didn't the Starks go to town on the Lannister nephews a few episodes back though? I'm sure there's more, but definitely dwindles the herd.

Oh by a long way, because of the internal context of the deaths for the characters, especially Catelyn. To know that at the moment of her death she had lost her husband, her son, her daughter-in-law, her unborn grandchild, not to mention that she THOUGHT she'd lost her two daughters and two younger sons. Her entire