
Happens to me every time. It's like a game.

Michelle Fairley's grief-stricken roar was one of the finest final pieces of acting I've seen for any character.

I'm not sure where this comment will land due to the nesting structure, but I'm responding to Guendelsberger's commentary below on what might or might not make a good comedic review structure.

I do agree with a lot of the review here, but I have to say that it's not particularly well written. There are some grammatical problems, which is not an issue but distracting, but it's more that the style feels… wayward. Like I'm being told someone's opinion straight off instead of after a run-through or two in the

Grey's Anatomy inspired scene of the week goes to Megan talking to Don about playing her character.

Two of my friends got married the other day and will still have to eke out their trans-atlantic existence because of this. How could they not have realised? Is this show taking place in a parallel universe? Do they fly Oceanic airlines? The clues are there, people!

Final season cross-over sweeps!

One of Thrones' greatest achievements is its ability to sear indelible, unique images into the viewer's mind.


Is anyone else feeling that we don't really have a handle on Clara as a character? I don't mean the mystery of her, I just mean… her. Like I don't feel any drive behind her, and it's odd that she vacillates so easily between terrified and quipping.

"The tide took him home…. to hell."

I'm always entertained by what I like to call the Mad Men Dialogue Co-Efficient.

That's an interesting one. I wonder if it's to do with the perception of Indian vs. black — in that a black character could be from an African background, Caribbean, fifth-generation British or just a person with black skin in whatever planet or time it happens to be. I think perhaps "Indian" in Britain has more


God. Even in the screenshot his acting is terrible.

BOOM. A very succinct version of exactly what I was thinking.

Also, if people care to read more of my opinions….

This episode also pointed to a darker Doctor, but I'm not sure if it's something they will follow through on: the Doctor basically deliberately wiped Clara's memory. She specifically said that she did not want to forget, that she wanted to have that information.

What I found disturbing is that I kept assuming the android was their brother because Who casts so few black actors — they MUST be related.

I can't take that!