
Thank you for that — I always fell down on that particular grammar point, obviously I knew the contractive / possessive apostrophe usage, but that particular instance of pluralising names always got me.

Akhaten was broken because there were ideas that didn't need to be there, not that needed to be expanded. Stronger editing in the writing process would have caught that, I can't imagine it being a two-parter.

The way to "fix" this episode, if I may, would have been to introduce the timey-wimey element much earlier on. If you're going to break the rules, break 'em hard. If there had been multiple Clara's sooner it would have lead emotionally to an interesting place, and also we would have seen the TARDIS along the way.

I had huge problems with this episode, namely how it dealt with Clara finding out about the other Clara's. Essentially she brushed off that the Doctor had ulterior motives for tracking her down, was treating her more as Rubik's Cube than a human being, that there were other Clara's out there, and that they had a

Well I'm just glad they're not all dead. The AV Club twitter feed was starting to make it seem that way.

Is there a gif of Alicia shaking from last week yet?

I was very confused by that too - painting Kirsteva as an alcoholic is a hugely immoral thing for Alicia to do, so by that virtue I assumed it was definitely true. Still, it would seem in an episode where she was getting all flustered about the assistants you think there'd be time dedicated to this moral quandary.

I'm just glad this episode wasn't called "Raped From The Headlines".

That said, Rainey's wish was to see him punished in court and they pretty much guaranteed that will never happen. Might she be happy that he was punished in the public sphere? Perhaps, but they never asked her.

HYSTERIA. Get that womb out - stat!

If she hadn't shivered earlier in the episode I would have taken it as a blunt way of showing that Alicia had once been raped. As such, I don't know what the hell to make of it.

There was something weird about Carey's cadence when he was talking to Alicia that first time — he sounded exactly like Louis Canning.

I kind of thought this was part of the reason Robyn was introduced — to have two investigators, making sure that if the split happens there's a duplicate of every vital role.

Aw. That makes me sad. I had a LOT of fun watching this episode. Very strong, in my opinion.

Now I'm just imagining Vanna White turning the bright rectangles, but instead of consonants and vowels it's all women's heads.

Looks like this brutally beaten linguist is in…

But then Rachel is hit by two - count 'em, TWO - cars while leaving the auditorium.

Oddly enough, I didn't make it past semi-regionals because I got a semi in my region.

Of course! I remember that. Hard to recognise her when not sternly saying things like "Your father would…" or "My family shall…" or "The Tullys should…" while not getting much done.

Ben's sister running from the ceremony was such a great moment, because it was exactly what I'd want to do in that situation. Surreal and completely normal at the same time.