TimELiebe via FB

What about Heinlein's Future History, collected in THE PAST THROUGH TOMORROW?

Well, if they're greedy and cowardly, Ian Douglas (who writes books about American Space Marines) sure thinks so!

Oh, I think it was totally intentional on Shandling's part, Neil!

Can we do a GHOST RIDER movie with all Sam Elliott, and no Nicholas Cage…?

No, Dr. Strangelovecraft - Mike Nelson, of course!

You want a for-real apocalypse? Watch 2012 - even though the entire movie is ass, it brings the apocalypse….

No - either Mortensen in PROPHECY, or Pacino in DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. Stormare in CONSTANTINE was good, but like DeNiro in ANGEL HEART not quite the Best Satan Ever - though Swinton's Gabriel is in the running with Walken's, certainly.

THE PROPHECY (the 1995 version) was really cool - the speechifying wasn't too horrible, Walken as Gabriel the most badass angel of all, and an early career high for Viggo Mortensen as a very mellow and totally chilling Satan ("Jesus loves you - I could give a shit").

::sigh:: Does the "CANCEL" button work for anyone?

Actually, if I want "dark" I can find it in plenty of other places, HL - including the Reagan-era series BURN NOTICE owes a huge debt to, THE EQUALIZER. I kind of like that the darkness sort of seeps up now and then from underneath the brightly-lit Miami colorful party atmosphere, and helps clarify many of Michael's

It DOES sound like they're going to focus more on the consequences of Michael working with Strickler in the first place rather than how he chose to "tender his resignation", as it were. Given Michael's reluctance to take a life if there's any other possible choice, I guess we're either to assume he feels no remorse

Odd, I always figured both shows did a fair bit of research to pull off their respective cons. The difference in how they work, and what they do and don't do, reflect the respective personalities of their Masterminds - Nate Ford is an insurance investigator who is more techie and thus has a computer network in his

According to cracked.com's "Five Authors More Badass Than the Badass Character They Created" (http://www.cracked.com/arti… ), Ian Fleming during WWII "was chief planner for the 30 Assault Unit, a special task force composed of 138 commandos who were trained in doing basically everything James Bond has ever done."

No, it's that Bond is a Timelord - and Blofeld couldn't recognize him, like how The Doctor and The Master never recognize each other!

Or, if you would actually like to show some respect for the creators of so much of the content you consume by actually, you know, BUYING it rather than glomming it from a pirate site, you could purchase and download legal copies of THE SKYLARK OF SPACE and other E.E. "Doc" Smith stories from Amazon's Kindle Store (http

OHMSS was the first Bond movie I saw - and sorry, Lazenby-lovers, but I don't remember a damned thing about *Bond* in that! I have a stronger memory of Horst Buchholz(!) in THAT MAN IN ISTANBUL (which I saw around the same time) that I do of George Lazenby as Bond. Diana Rigg, however, was awesome - and this was some