
How is this
even a question?

Another pretty bad exclusion.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this
VU? That's pretty much the first album I thought of when I read this.

Yeah, I forgot about it until I rewatched it this weekend.

He didn't say Scorsese directed The Shining. He said this is his version of it. Director not known for working in the genre making an intelligent, psychological horror film.

Not the actual ending, but the tacked on message with the two mothers.

Scorsese didn't put this out at anytime. The studio did. And if there's one thing we know about studios is that they are the BEST judges of art.

I wasn't a huge fan of the ending of the book, either. But that doesn't negate the rest of the book, and I don't think it will negate the rest of the movie. I hate the (very) end of M, but that doesn't change the fact that the first two hours or so are goddamn close to perfect.

This year IS gonna be great, it seems, but I think this is going to be hard to top.

OK, standard guy who hasn't seen this thread
Favorite Altman movie?

Just about any type. Bourbon and Scotch in particular.

The review depends on who does it. A few of them badmouthed it on Twitter, but Tasha seems to really like it, here.

FUCK. YES. Great fucking movie.

So can we assume
That Phoenix will be the album of the year?

Yeah, how about you bring this out to Boston? I got a book I want signed. And I'll buy some of you booze.

Can we count FX under the umbrella of Fox? Because It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the most consistently hilarious show on television.

I don't think this even qualifies as a failure
It's movies like this that make me wish there was a fourth option. Pile of Human Excrement and Baby Tears sounds about right.

I'd eat a mile of her shit just to see where it came from.

The question that answers itself.

Jim Carrey, despite not making making a hit in years (Right? What's the last successful movie he made?) makes lots and lots of money.