
I started Sunday by watching Rules of the Game. I ended Sunday by watching Batman and Robin. It was a weird day.

It doesn't hurt. Especially since the Oscars are really making a push to include big hits, what with the horrible "10 Nominees in a very weak year" idea. I can barely think of 5 movies that deserve a nomination, let alone 10.

Maybe it's just Clooney's presence
But every time I see an add for this movie, I think that it looks like Burn After Reading except nowhere near as good.

You've never heard of Fela Kuti?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't look at MJW without thinking of Spawn.

I don't really play video games
But this? This I would play.

It actually works pretty well as a Stripper Obi-Wan costume, too.

Sweet sweet Venus

The Coen Brothers
really can do no wrong in my book. I mean, sure, Ladykillers wasn't great, but if that's the worst movie they've made, it's says a lot about how great they are.

And that is the true spirit of Halloween

I would submit Stripper Christ, but I don't think the Religious Right would vote for it.

Well you do have Brett Favre…oh…wait…

Yeah, I hear that. I normally wouldn't care, but I'm gonna be in Chicago this weekend, and I'm leaving the 12th. So damn close.

I've seen 9
And yes. They were all terrible, terrible, terrible movies. How were there no Nic Cage movies, though. Ghost Rider was waaaaaaay worse than Envy.

Say what you will about the original
It was all kinds of Nic Cage crazy. I mean, maybe even crazier than Wicker Man.

I think by possible titles, you mean the ONLY possible title.

Define Irony
Ads for Californication all over an article by Nathan Rabin.

Hey, I saw him do stand-up about 5 years ago, and he did the same bit. What kind of world do we live in where even the comedy stylings of Jim Breuer have gone stagnant?

Goatboy's due for a comeback.

And Gravity's Rainbow is the peak. Second only to Ulysses (and just barely second to Ulysses) in my esteem.