

My mistake

A Showtime After Dark show, I see.

Ah, reminiscent of Werewolf: That is completely fascinating

That pun was too good for the writers of CSI: Miami. You have destroyed my suspension of disbelief.

His wife had to stand in for the Shark for the love scenes.

Yes these links are interesting
But exactly zero are meme worthy

Oddly enough
M. Butterfly is the only Cronenberg film I own. I bought it on VHS a few years back.

The Fountain was pretty damn cool

::slicks back hair:: not in my book.

That is such a Don Draper thing to say.

Completely immersed
She truly is the Brian Wilson of our time.

Lubricated Yeti was my guess.

Do yourself a favor and get the Rifftrax for Troll 2.

Since I haven't read Crying in a few years, I won't argue it anymore, because, hell, I could reread it tomorrow and realize I was completely wrong. But I stand by my opinion. It isn't a BAD book by any means, but I've heard people talk about it as Pynchon's masterpiece, which doesn't sit well with me when Gravity's

pico, I've read that, and that's exactly how I feel about it. I was pretty dismissive of it up there, but really I just feel like it's a really minor work. It was a good read, but it felt akin to eating a piece of celery. You get what you expect, but you aren't really getting that much. I put it on par with Vineland.

Merk, I think music appreciation classes should be more prevalent in colleges. Knowing theory is one thing. Hearing theory in action is another.

Gravity's Rainbow is so far beyond anything else anyone has written in the past 50 years that I have trouble justifying a comparison between M&D and GR, but it's a fair one. I feel like the two books are connected. Like Mason and Dixon is a sequel to Gravity's Rainbow in spirit.

I liked American Pastoral, but I did feel like I was missing something there.

I don't know, I loved Underworld. I loved every fucking word of it. Though I do understand why some people hate DeLillo's writing, I enjoy it thoroughly.