
by and, I meant any

And with this comment
I have reached 9000.

I wish I had that, but 13 years of Catholic education eliminated and chance that I don't feel like I'm being punished 24/7

I don't care about the fact that she believes that gay marriage is wrong. I just care about the fact that she worded her response so fucking poorly.

Rectal Prolapse: Not Just for Weight Lifters Anymore!

Since when
does anyone care what beauty pageant contestants think about anything? PSAs and a political controversy? Seriously?

Rectal Prolapse is funnier, but Uterine Prolapse is scarier. I call it a tie.

God I love the Stooges. Fun House was the last Stooges album I got into, but now it's my favorite.

Yeah, I think the disclosure thing was the problem.

He's gonna steal all the paper from the warehouse an sell it back to them.

Yeah, that was awesomely awkward.

As long as it doesn't turn into mad about you, I'll be OK

You'd be an underage hooker. You'd have no choice in the matter.

Oh, and another
Animal Collective. I've only recently started to listen to them, but I really didn't get them at all the first couple of listens. Now, I friggen love Merriweather Post Pavilion, and I think Sung Tongs and Strawberry Jam are great. Those are the only 3 albums I've listened to so far, though.

I love love love La Dolce Vita. I love 8 1/2 even more.

Older movies are kind of hard to recognize as great the first time, because they always seem kind of melodramatic and samey to me. But never had that problem with Citizen Kane.

Marquee Moon is one of my favorites. So awesome.

I love Goo and Daydream Nation, but Sister is my personal favorite.

2001 was tough the first 2 times, but now I think it's perfect. I loved Barry Lyndon the first 2 times I saw it, but I haven't watched it in about 5 years.

Definitely agree on Loveless. I've probably listened to that album 10 times now, and every time, I love it more. The first time, I didn't get it. Now, it's my favorite album.