Lord Sterilicus

It is a thing here in Arkansas to take a normal name and 'fancy it up'. Oh, and could you stop naming your kids Gunnar and Hunter. Thanks.

2 Twins 2 Cups

2 Girls 1 Bling

I wish this starred Will Oldham.

(cue audience awwwwwww-ing)

I never thought of Jon Cryer as an evil sitcom pimp daddy…until now. "You got my money! You got my money! Don't make Duckie smack 'yo ass."

I hated Tambor in "Hellboy".

Sounds like a potential 'Maxim' article from 2002…"10 Facial Hairstyles We Hate and Why You Should Too"

Like Rabbit

I keep thinking this will all end with Draper shooting hoops with some kids and having a massive heart attack.

I like her feathered hair.

Phallus Thread…..GO!

We only accept Bud Light bottle caps.

Refuse to believe this had a budget of only 5 million. Look at that HAIR on Douglas good Sirs and Madames!

Dude…I don't even OWN a woman.

Hmmm….Drive small car, get rid of Mad Black Women. Yeah, yeah that will work. I drive an iQ.

Also, is this movie going to star black guys wearing thin leather jackets?

You barely saved yourself…I was about to flag your comment for inadequate Tyler Perry whoreship.

Maybe he wants to play a car instead. Give the man some choices damit.

"Fat Controller" is an excellent song by Catherine Wheel.