Lord Sterilicus

by kacey's well endowed labia

I'd paint three of those murals for some of that ass!

When you say "feature", do you mean that large warm soft-shell taco she has? Good Lawd!

Or that Oregon football team.

These older stars still chugging away for fame (I'm looking at you Joan and Regis) are admirable…much like I admire the 80 year old at the casino who hits the 12 million dollar jackpot. I wonder what Joan will leave behind when she is cremated?

These older stars still chugging away for fame (I'm looking at you Joan and Regis) are admirable…much like I admire the 80 year old at the casino who hits the 12 million dollar jackpot. I wonder what Joan will leave behind when she is cremated?

Hank Jr. had a tv movie in the early 80's called "Living Proof".

That kid from "2.5 Men" is all growed up now. Also, I think Kristen is a dirty monkey.

She's a tall girl with pendulous boobs…boobs that swing hypnotically. Tall girls with pendulous boobs rock.

Dollar General
Is that enough record sales to even afford the drugs to get properly high?

Something Something
Maybe he can buy some new glasses. He looks like he should be in a 3rd Eye Blind video. You know, the one with the scooters.

The hottest she ever was happened right after she came back on the show from being pregnant. She was filled-out and those boobies were FULL. Then, she lost all that glorious baby weight. Shame.

David Lee Roth would be a great replacement for Regis…both are HAMS!

Uh, so, hmmmm….besides possibly being Blonde from early 1980's; who is the blonde?

Tears for Fears
I hope it has a shot of ship medic Ricky Gervais screaming at the camera after an alien explodes from his chest. Stop screaming at me Ricky.

"He mounted my hood compliantly"….have you been hanging out with Gucci Mane again?

Tutti Frutti
Black Walnut
Moose Trax

Why is Ricky Gervais always yelling at me…his mouth wide-open in a primal scream?

Kidding Right?
Johnny Paycheck only has '107 Reasonable Discussions'….Jesus folks, he shot men in the head, wrote one of the greatest American anthems of our time, was on THE FREAKING DUKES OF HAZARD, aged 80 years in a decade, and on and on and on.

This may please
However, it seems "Every One Else" could care less.