Lord Sterilicus

Oh, they are nuts about the douche who got into trouble for being a racist in Playboy….nuts I tell 'ya.

Bait and Switch
Reminds me of the ads for the casinos over here in Tunica. Always showing dapper young men and women at the bar enjoying the night life. Looking like one them fancy telervision commercials. Then you get in the casino and it mostly senior citizens on Rascal scooters and oxygen tanks.

I'll just keep pretending that Lady GaGa is just Lexi Belle in drag….

Harley and the Marlboro Man?

One word…"Alienz"…starring Michelle Rodriquez, Andre 3000-(a.k.a. Possum Jenkins), Keith David, Woody Harrelson, and Beth Ditto.

Probably not…

I'm Tron Baby!
"TRON" reminds me of Dave Chapelle's character Tron. If Tron was in "TRON", then that would be the shit.

You've been Klosterfucked…


'08 Daytona 675 SE in black and gold…I get the "Is it air cooled?" question all the freaking time! Seriously?

Rediculously Awesome that is…seriously though, I have been hearing Big Boi's tracks a lot on the radio here in the Rock. I need to ride down Asher in my Mini with "General Patton" blastin'.

Seems a few short years ago George Clinton was interviewed talking about riding around with Macy Gray and enjoying first, second, and third-hand smoke. Or something like that….

Half Baked
Have you ever listened to Macy Gray….ON WEED?!?!?

The Smell of Wine and Cheap Perfume
Mr. O'Neal…that last paragraph is the best thing I have read all day. Good Job Sir! Good Job!

In Limbo
Me, I am still waiting for that "Kid A" movie

If "Killing Willis" starred Bruce Willis in black-face and Danny McBride as the hitman…Oh, Sweet Jesus……

If they darkened her skin she would look like Eryhka Baddu.

I am glad someone mentioned the 'music' of this trailer. It soundes earily like the music for the "Transformers 2" trailers. And what is with all that low frequency rumbling? And why is that one vampire trying to look like Christopher Walken circa "King of New York" ?

This Pleases…
When I goes for a long walk out at the Big Damn Bridge (for real). Went out early yesterday, put this on my player, and it synced with my walk perfectly. The moment when the Sun rose over the Arkansas River as 'Empire Ants' began to play was better than any video. Overall, Lord Sterilicus loves this

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