
What is your point, Keyser? Wait…I meant you don't have a point.

LOL! Though Leslie's prison would be characterized differently. (See "Orange Is the New Black")……Corky, idk why I couldn't reply directly to your post. ??? Guess this will appear out of sync.

With clever writing it could've been a story. I can imagine the lovable and child-like Andy getting clingy and jealous about the baby (in a cute, funny way of course!), and spending all his time either with Chris or mimicing him. Baby gestates - Andy masculates.

I literally hate to lose them both. 
If needing a new permanent character, Megan Mullally's Tammy Swanson would be AWESOME - especially now that Ron is in a serious (and healthy) relationship.

Each cast member is an absolute treasure!!

Rashida is a talented writer and has a lot of friends. I don't think she's going anywhere except up. (Isn't Rob fantastic in Californication? If David Duchovny wants to end that series, Rob's character could carry a successful spin-off.) :)

That would be hilarious! OK, Maya becomes Ann. Random actor wears Rob Lowe mask. No mentions, just proceed.

I think his increasing involvement was explained. He became excited about fatherhood. I hope they get married in their final episodes!

No, Ann murders Chris after she realizes that although he's great with self-care, he's terrible w/the baby. Leslie tries using her political capital to free Ann, causing a riff in her new marriage and with boss Ron Swanson who loves a death sentence. Then Tom spends all his money from Rent-a-Swag getting Ann the best

Yes, I can imagine several scenarios w/Leslie mourning over and adjusting to Ann's departure, letting it interfere w/her work - especially now that she has 2 jobs.

I agree!

I knoooooooooow!! :(


NOOOoooo! Well, w/Parks & Rec, hopefully NBC will have the good sense (ha!) not to make the ludicrous filming change like the one that killed Up All Night.

I had to find that song on Youtube b/c even though I keep up with music, I don't remember that one. As someone who could likely be your mother, I just want to thank you for sharing your perspective on this tragedy - how it's affected you and probably a lot of your peers. I'm glad my son was a baby then. I just hope

"I could've been a contender," said Unlikely.

Ohh, Frank..always w/the threats. Wouldn't the gutter be the penthouse suite far above your current residence? What an ego for a man whose songs define no era. Ha! Really, though, Sinatra's songs are timeless, but the man himself was just a man.

Sorry, mistabook. Dad said no.

LOL! There, wrote the comments for you. :)

That one DOES evoke a real feeling about the time. Similarly, "Afternoon Delight."