Brian M

When I first discovered hal Hartley he quickly became one of my favorite filmmakers but I haven't watched any of his movies in a long time. I'm curious as to whether Meanwhile is any good. I even own it since i donated to the kickstarter for it.

This sounds like a more dour Leverage.

Yeah I was kinda annoyed at that linking Kinkiness to child endangerment and murder and the like.

Yes definitely!

Even the EPISODES can be inconsistent.

Very very good point regarding real vs. not real. You are absolutely right.

I mean "attraction" is one thing. She's also the one who consistently tells him it'd be creepy if they did anything and who busts his balls whenever he seems flirty or whatever.

I think successfully is arguable is my point. I tend to side with the filmmaker. Also I think successfully is arguable because a lot of those movies wound up getting cut to hell, being awful, and then unwatched. He would never admit to making an error. And though I listed two "martial arts" movies he has done this

Yeah I definitely love both for very different reasons. Like other Moffat things the BBC Sherlock can go from absolutely brilliant dialogue and villains to feeling rushed and corny and cheesy.

have to give credit to Mr. Tennant on that one (timey-wimey….stuff).

Was she hitting on him? I don't think it was romantic at all I think it was a family/friendship thing.

Oh yeah I definitely trust them. I wouldn't be surprised if for now the arc is Holmes' family stuff (much like how the arc for most of the first season was Holmes' addiction/their friendship and characters building) with possibly more crimey-wimey stuff coming along midway through (Moriarty escaping, a different

I haven't read the Lyonesse trilogy but I've always heard the woman lead in that is a pretty great character.

Eh I don't know. Hero's American cut/subtitle translation is really awful in comparison to the bootlegs I have of it. Iron Monkey was ruined. There are other examples. (him and his brother holding some movies hostage, having the rights yet never releasing them, because it might affect their bonuses. Not allowing one

I assume you're editing this but if not, hey I think your post got deleted DISQUUUUUSSSSS

Honestly I hate this fuck but at the same time without him we probably wouldn't have gotten a lot of the best things about the film industry today.

yeah I honestly thought FF was the best Marvel comic for awhile there. Feels like it is ending way earlier than its planned run.

She may have read them when she was younger and jsut didn't notice? instead enjoying the word play and goofiness.

Oh my god I will never beat peace until this is real.

I've been enjoying the drawn out nature of these issues because it is expanding more and more backstory so that we get a clearer idea of just what was going on around everything that led to Grills' death, the perpetrators and how it affected Clint and Kate. Plus PIZZA DOG ISSUE and now Barney is back.