
I was always a Joe Cartoon man myself.

I thought G4 became The Esquire Network. Now I'm confused.

Yea, do you remember him, or is he just another character that was introduced for one specific purpose (sing at funeral)?

I haven't seen this yet, but the review also reminded me of G vs. E. Remember that show? I always thought it had promise.

It might prove to be an unpopular choice, but I hope he tops it off with Lost In Space.

Your Car 54 pic made me think that it could be Dragnet.

His scene with Malcolm Tucker was one of the best scenes of the film.

It's the same actor, but I think the character is different. That happened with In The Thick Of It too.

I wanted them to ask about Brad Paisley's and Alison Krauss' "Whiskey Lullaby" music video. One of the most depressing music videos in country music history, and that's saying something.

What?! Nothing from Human Flesh Search Engine? I would have thought they would have included something. Especially since the case, and the issues it raised, actually tied in well the website they made up.

I picked up the DVD from the library and I at the beginning it had the warning that the movie was edited for content. I must say it's the first time outside of TV that I saw that marker.

I really liked him in The Shadow.

I agree. Cobb tried to go against the baseball movie formula and ended up hardly having any played baseball in the actual movie.

Oh man! I was really looking forward to Dark City.

Yea! Baseball is back!

I thought that slapping the water was to strengthen the actual skin so the cord of the bow wouldn't cut into his hand when he drew it back.

I'm surprised "The Wheel" didn't crack the top 10.

Roy is horribly cast. My suspension of disbelief comes crashing down when I see an aspiring Ambercrombie model pretend he's from the ghetto.

I've been convinced of MashUp's potential as an artistic musical genre ever since DJ Lance Lockarm's "Bring the Muzik Back" in the mid-00s. This might not have those aspirations, but at least it's fun and silly which, for me, counts for something.

Blake was actually written specifically for the movie adaptation. If Reitman is adapting the play we won't see the female Blake at all.