
In addition to all of my assigned texts, I'm playing catch-up to Stieg Larrson's Millennium Trilogy. I'm on about 1/4 of the way into Hornet's Nest.

I was going to mention Fever Pitch, but someone beat me to it.

Through this post I've discovered Hugs'N'Kisses. So thank you for that. I'm really enjoying it.

I remember when I first starting to really read about film criticism and what Ebert said about it really stuck with me. He said that the film should be judged on what it sets out to do, not how it compares with other movies (this is how I won an argument with a co-worker at Hollywood Video 14 years ago; claiming

Speaking of a Simpson's reference: Did anyone else think the Duke bidder was just being a jerk (being from Duke)  and driving up the price. In my mind I pictured a blue-clad Mr. Smithers telling him that the KU bidder actually paid 2.8 billion for the rules and the Duke bidder rubbing his hands saying "excellent".

Speaking of a Simpson's reference: Did anyone else think the Duke bidder was just being a jerk (being from Duke)  and driving up the price. In my mind I pictured a blue-clad Mr. Smithers telling him that the KU bidder actually paid 2.8 billion for the rules and the Duke bidder rubbing his hands saying "excellent".

I think of the '20s less 'care-free' and 'youth filled' and more like the entire country was trying to self-medicate the horrors of WWI through jazz, flappers, and bathtub gin. Although I don't think that hinders the main theme of the article.

I think of the '20s less 'care-free' and 'youth filled' and more like the entire country was trying to self-medicate the horrors of WWI through jazz, flappers, and bathtub gin. Although I don't think that hinders the main theme of the article.

I watched parts 1-3 on DVR late last night, and all throughout the day my internal monologue has had that "Trapped in the Closet" rhythm and cadence. Man, it's getting on my nerves!

I watched parts 1-3 on DVR late last night, and all throughout the day my internal monologue has had that "Trapped in the Closet" rhythm and cadence. Man, it's getting on my nerves!

I agree. That's why people doing this song with all the sincerity in their hearts is one of the most heart-warming things you can see in public.

I agree. That's why people doing this song with all the sincerity in their hearts is one of the most heart-warming things you can see in public.

I know I'm in the minority, but I still think Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is the best movie of the bunch. A strong script, good voice acting, Focused for children, but not alienating for adults, plus it wraps up in a tidy 75 minutes. I think Batman's motivations are accentuated better in Mask, also, out of Joker's

I know I'm in the minority, but I still think Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is the best movie of the bunch. A strong script, good voice acting, Focused for children, but not alienating for adults, plus it wraps up in a tidy 75 minutes. I think Batman's motivations are accentuated better in Mask, also, out of Joker's

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. The script is what really sunk the movie. If the two Mantan Show scenes were actually funny, the entire theme of the movie would have hit home hard. But as they were the audience was able to say to themselves "Of course TV isn't like that now, it's not funny." A

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. The script is what really sunk the movie. If the two Mantan Show scenes were actually funny, the entire theme of the movie would have hit home hard. But as they were the audience was able to say to themselves "Of course TV isn't like that now, it's not funny." A

Melies' "A Trip to the Moon" missed the list by 2 years!

Melies' "A Trip to the Moon" missed the list by 2 years!