
Awww, I loved Ed!

He'll never not be Wesley to me.

As long as they keep Brooks Wheelan!

Brooks Wheelan is the man!

Brooks should replace Jost. I love how when drunk uncle called him "Seth" no one really reacted. (Or noticed that it WASN'T Seth.)

Noel Wells can go. She brings nothing to the table.

I hope not. I like Brooks! He was in that game show sketch!

Hooray for Brooks Wheelan! He was in a sketch!

That was so bad ass.

I SO want a gif of that.

It finally happened…

Hooray for Brooks Wheelan!!!

Brooks Wheelan had air time! Hooray!

That's exactly what I thought!

I will be super sad if Brooks Wheelan leaves. I know he hasn't been in (practically any) sketches, but I think he has potential. Much more so than Milhiser or Wells.

We need to start a campaign to get this guy more air time!

My initial reaction was "D-D-D-DAYUM!!!" But I had to suppress that as I was watching with my wife.

Or used F5

I was expecting it to be Stuart.

She's one of the oldest people in real life, but youngest in the show world.