
Ken Cosgrove: More James Joyce or more Bond Villain? YOU DECIDE, AMERICA.

Betty had some interesting opinions on Draculas. Really made Bobby think.

I liked it! But then again I like the Springfield mob no matter what. Johnny Tightlips didn't have a line and he got a laugh out of me.

Not no more it ain't.

Actually, the advice for dealing with terrible Atari games and the Ark of the Covenant is the same: Just don't look at it.

For reasons I can't quite explain, the "Open face club, a sand wedge!/Mmmm…open face club sandwich" joke makes me giggle every single time.

Don't worry, Rowan. DreamsinDigital's idea of wit is nothing more than an incisive observation humorously phrased and delivered with impeccable timing.

The thing the makes Mads look so terrifying is that he always looks like he's wearing a baggy human mask.

"Tonight's episode: Did Hannibal eat all those people? No."

Also I really love that he describes himself as "Thundering", which is hilarious.

The final scene elicited my favorite paragraph from any of Roger Ebert's reviews, which I'm just going to copy paste for you guys here:

Why is it that I really like Being There but I really hate Forrest Gump? They both had equally terrible portrayals of black people.

Is "thinking Buzzfeed is complete shit" one of the qualifiers? Because if so I have at least two under my belt.

Not saying this doom is a sure thing for Parks and Rec, but it definitely isn't a great sign.

I was going to say that there was no way something like this could completely ruin a television show, but then I remember what happened to How I Met Your Mother and, yeah, you can definitely trip right before the finish line and never cross it.

I heard an NPR bit about how much NPR loves Amy Schumer today, which…makes me feel weird about enjoying her show.

Though to be fair, Mad Men has a giant talking baby too, they just call him Pete Campbell.

Two of the greatest shows on television, this one and Mad Men, have both dealt head-on with children coming to terms with the fact that their parents are jerks and idiots, but this one had a giant talking baby being given to a pig and an elephant, so I guess we know which show has the advantage.

The arm prophecy has been fulfilled!