
Too true
I managed a video store for a year, and this is seriously what an average day will bring to your ears.

Fidel, I find that to be the real joy in watching the Olympics. Here's the world champion…placing 18th. Here's the unknown from Andorra (or some equally teeny tiny country) standing at the top of the podium. It all comes down to the athlete's performance on the day. Doesn't matter if you can do 20,000 perfect runs

Claire, I dig watching Johnny Weir. I thought he did very well, not great, last night. He doesn't seem to get much respect from the purists (how appropriate is the label "pop star"??) so I'd love to see him come out tomorrow night and kick ass.

Llewdor, I find NBC's coverage pathetic. All I get is American atheltes (duh, I know) and the "foreigners" that are supposedly in contention for a medal. They had a great pre-Olympic teaser for curling ("CURLING ROCKS!") yet if you want to watch any curling, head over to CNBC. They've tucked it away there with the

I watched the men's short program. It seems to be a universal truth that male figure skaters all have perfectly round, tight asses. That's a show right there, nevermind the twirling and jumping around.

I watched Alain Delon in La Piscine (aka "The Swimming Pool") and allowed myself to be swept up in the idea of being Delon's lover vacationing with him at a villa in St. Tropez.

I want my two dollars!

I watched a couple of episodes of "The IT Crowd" and the last 45 minutes of "Zoolander." I always forget that I actually LIKE Will Ferrell in that movie.

This movie changed my life (sorta)
I recommended "Zero Effect" to my now-husband, shortly after we'd met and started talking, before we got to the dating. When he returned the movie, I asked him what he thought of it. He said he really liked it. It was a test; he passed.

Dino, I'm a former AF brat with lots of years in Germany.
My annual Kaiserslautern Christkindlmarkt tradition was to walk downtown (a few blocks from my apartment) and get Kartoffelpuffer—potato pancakes, but different from latkes—and walk around looking at the merchandise. After a few years, I noticed it was always

Jenn, I'll say it: nill, you're a dick. You're like those people who say "kissing a smoker is like licking a dirty ashtray!" Really? Then how about this deal: I"ll kiss all the smokers I want, and you can lick as many dirty ashtrays as you want; we'll see who pukes first.

I finished watching and promptly announced to my husband (who has sort of quit smoking recently) that I was going out for my last cigarette

I was subjected to piped-in music when I worked in Germany. The company was world-wide and yet they were clearly skewed to the working hours at their headquarters in Texas. As a result, I would be opening my store at 6 am and have Kenny G wafting along with the smell of coffee brewing, and my brain would be

I just watched this last night, having last seen it in the theater as a kid, so it was only now in my life that I caught the line in Landis's segment "We shouldn't have shot Lt. Niedermeyer."

Who's your worm guy?
Best line of the night. Thanks for including it, Todd. I get to laugh all day now.

I can no longer hear "Jessie's Girl" without singing "she should be with me!" during the chorus.

Oh, Wolfman J, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I always think "Uncle Bully!" when I see him, but he's so much better than that.

Enkidum, I watched the Da Vinci Code because someone told me that parts were shot in the Louvre museum. I was crossing my fingers that they would have a scene in the Neo-Classic room and I could catch a glimpse of "The Oath of the Horatii". If I recall correctly, there was a great shot of the painting as someone was

Love for this man
Alfred Molina is the sort of actor whose presence in a movie automatically makes me consider seeing it.

I, too, really enjoy this show
knowing full well that it's not a *great* show. I actually thought this show's writing was sub-par, insofar as most of the dialog was concerned. (Hello, EXPOSITION!) It was distracting, but the acting saved it for me. And looking at Nathan Fillion for 40 minutes a week is not what