
It's okay, Oogie. The first time I saw Fred Durst, I thought he was kinda hot (yeah, I was still into douchey-looking guys back then.) And then he spoke. A lot. And I realized that the only way I'd ever have sex with him was with a ball gag stuffed tightly into his gaping maw.

Skinny, the only reason I'd suggest watching them in order (they stand alone fairly easily) is that in 1, you get an introduction to Tonny and Milo. In 2, the story revolves around Tonny, and you get a little bit more Milo. The 3rd is all about Milo, and if you've seen the other two first, you'll come into it with

I live in New Mexico, and there was a case here 10+ years ago wherein a lady successfully faked a 9-month pregnancy while living with her husband. She befriended another lady who was really pregnant, killed the other lady and cut out her baby. She was caught when she showed up at the hospital with a newborn,

I've been looking forward to this write-up for a couple of weeks now, and I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to re-watch the movies beforehand. Amazingly, they are all still semi-fresh in my mind although it's been a couple of years.

That motherfucking double live cd
I used to run the music section of a department store in the late '90s, and that stupid double live cd was priced at $13.98, unlike any other cd in the entire store.

It takes me back to Grinnell, Iowa, 1990. My 18-year-old self sitting in a bar with my friends, drunk on Bud Light (s0 naive then!) singing along to this song…those days are long gone.

Swimsuit scene? I was willing to suspend my disbelief that swimsuits like that would be used for competitive swimming. Oh yes, I was willing.

I'll agree with Zach on this: you can definitely see Dirk's mental wheels moving. However—

From Dec 88 to Aug 89
I worked at a movie theater which, sad to say, is no more. That summer was the summer of Batman, but my more indelible memory has to be JCVD's "Cyborg". It just so happened that the scene wherein he does his obligatory splits occured at the same time as my every-two-hours ten minute break. I

Take him away!

Who wants a banana?

I saw him at Grinnell College during my freshman year (fall of '89—cripes I'm getting old) and he absolutely blew me away. I was a Du fan and liked his solo "Workbook", so I was psyched before the show, but by the end I was in awe of him.
Random observations:
—Either Bob is really tall or his roadie/mike check guy was

I've seen it; I own it. He was super-fucking-hot in that movie, and it was nice and twisted.

I did say he was a rassler; he mighta been dropped on his head a few too many times.

Let her have it!
At least now I know my friend from New Orleans isn't a liar.

Megan's Joys
I can't believe that none of our usual red-blooded hetero males have made comments on Megan Joy's hot-pink shorty-shorts outfit. And what about Megan & Alexis "holding" each other just prior to Seacrest announcing Kris as the winner?

I'm personally hoping that if Adam does win, his boyfriend rushes the stage and they have a passionate kiss in front of the millions of viewers. You know, like a parting gift for the Adam-lovin' ladies in denial.

Normund! Normund! Normund!

How about the strapping young guy who was strangled by Ro-man? He managed to run all the way back to the "house" before he collapsed and died.

I just saw "Robot Monster" at our revival/art house theater during the Revenge of the Worst Film Festival Ever!, an ode to crap 50's & 60's sci-fi. Brilliant stuff.