
Smilner & other PPG fans:

Claire, this has to be my favorite write-up of the season thus far. I realize at this point in the season you have only one chance to top it, but give it your best shot.

It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember laughing quite a bit at the "random scenes of bad decisions" made over the course of his life.

Smilner, I saw the murder in Seacrest's eyes. It scared me.

Puzz, I am completely in agreement about Adam. Last night I was officially over the screechiness and tongue lashing.

Domino88, good point. It's really bizarre. Megan Joy was kicked off the week that Lady Gaga performed. I kept wondering how Megan must have felt about that. "I'm not a great singer, maybe, but at least I can sing better than that. WTF?" (at least that's what I was saying on her behalf)

@The Bob The, agreed on the vote totals. I find it very difficult to believe that even with the boost of vaginal voting, Danny or Kris got more votes than Allison.

Bourne, I was watching it while it was recording and I noticed that the red light had stopped but the show was still on, so I'm not sure how over it ran, but there you go.

Claire, we have Amelie when we want our Amelie fix.

Another gaffe
Don't know if anyone else caught this, but after Danny crapped on one of Aerosmith's two great songs ("Sweet Emotion" FTW!), they showed the obligatory "Danny's family and friends" in the audience.

Like Bourne, I think their order of performance = their ranking.

Riff, your theory of coolness v. longevity is something I have been saying for years, although I've usually framed it as talent v. longevity! And yes, Ringo will live FOREVER and EVER.

I'll second Piper to WYWH. Obscured By Clouds is one of my faves. Can not help but be happy listening to that one.

Did I mention that's a good burger, Dude?

That's a good burger, dude.

That's a good burger, dude.

Karatloz, I love Phantom of the Paradise. I'll admit it, take my lumps, and still enjoy watching it. Gerrit Graham is awesome: "I know 'drug' real from 'real' real!"

Yes, swagger is actual work, unless you're born with it.

I may not be the only person who at this point only watches to see what Adam will do and how it will rate on the love/hate scale. If they put him on first or second, I'm likely to tune out for the rest of the show.

Ah, Mr. F, I was blissfully unaware of any connection to Max Headroom. I was out of the country when that shit was all the rage.