
I'm just wondering if Old Spice has a subliminal ad campaign going here? I've heard the word "swagger" more times during the current season of AI that I've heard it in my entire 37 years leading up to this season. I'm just wondering if Old Spice gives the judges a bonus for every time they say it.

I'll take Nina Simone's version of "Feeling Good" over anyone else's. But I'll take her version of almost anything over anyone else's.

Sorry, Rev. As a life-long female, I'm not as cautious with the use of an expression such as "got me hard". But it sure does seem funny as I look back at it.

You say all that and it makes me think I've remembered it wrong. I was seriously blinded by rage when the movie continued past what I mistakenly assumed was the ending. I guess the fact that David was "rescued" from his fate at the bottom of the ocean struck me as happy for the sake of a happy-ending bullshit.

Yeah, I remember catching shit from a cynical young man when I said I cried watching Crash. He sneered something derisive (as cynical young men do) and I said, yes, at the scene where you're meant to think that the little girl has been shot.

Elitist, maybe I need to watch it again. When I saw it in the theater, I was so pissed off at what, at that time, felt like a tacked-on happy ending. It hurt because I was so in to the movie up until that point, and it just negated all those good feelings and left me bitter.

Hey, Rev., I'm with you on PDL. It got me hard at that part, and unfortunately, both times I saw it in the theater, I was near someone who was vocally expressing their dislike of the movie. I was so happy to own it and watch it alone or in the company of people who could appreciate it.

I'm not in love with the movies themselves, but there are effective scenes in each one. I have no desire to watch any of them again (except Empire of the Sun). The heavy-handedness of Amistad, Schindler, & Private Ryan were a real turn off. It's the rampant inhumanity that is presented to the viewer that brings the

I watched Life is Beautful, completely prepared to cry. I made it all the way through the movie without a tear or even a misty eye. Except the last line of the movie (spoil spoil spoil) when the boy says something to the effect of "that was my father's gift to me". Then I cried all the way through the credits.

Sugartits, I refuse to watch it. I have issues with watching characters suffer, and PotC scares me. You tell me a guy was nailed to a cross (savior or not) and I figure he's suffered. I don't need to see him being beaten for 30 minutes to make the point stick.

I liked the first ending of A.I. when the ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean and David finally finds "the blue fairy." You realize that he and Teddy are trapped there until their batteries die out (and that will be a long long long time). It's terribly sad, and I was sniffling, but grateful for an honest ending.

I didn't just cry watching United 93. I was curled up into a little fetal ball and I was whimpering.

Spielberg, dammit
Zach is right about Spielberg's manipulation of his viewers' emotions. Other than stuff like Jaws & Indy, his serious dramas are guaranteed tear-jerkers for me. I tried my best to be stoic during Empire of the Sun, but the part in the 3rd act when Jim's parents (along with several other parents)

I didn't watch season 3, so I have no opinion on Fantasia, other than from what I've heard, she's a decent singer and she had a real sob story (not quite Dead-Wife Danny's level, but something tragic or pathetic.)

I happen to think Danny is the worst singer left, before and after last night. He sounds exactly the same week after week. He does nothing "original", by the judges' standards or by any reasonable definition of the word.

You know, I'm sure *someone* has some info on American Idol viewer demographics, but I dare say that it may not EXACTLY match the demographic of the entire country.
It's possible that black, urban, lower-class people have better things to do than watch American Idol. It's also possible that white, urban, upper-class

I'll agree with Bernice & Bourne here. If anything is hinkey, it's the way the judges praise some mediocre and blast other mediocre.

I was so excited when my DVR synopsis said Harry Wayne Casey would be performing. You see, when I was just a wee girl, I had a bit of a crush on KC. He seemed so manly for a guy who paraded around in bellbottoms surrounded by rainbows and feathers (at least that's how I remember it.)

Yeah, Karatloz, you definitely made the right choice; the show has been on a downward spiral for me the last couple of weeks. You've been on a roll with some really good movies the last few weeks (I'll even give you a bit of love for Rocky, even though it's not on par with Blade Runner or The Conformist.)

Puzz, I think Adam's either a better actor or he's spent enough time in the theater to know rejection and he is truly humbled by all the praise they heap on him. In either case, it definitely comes across as more likeable than Gokey's expression of emotion, like when his smug grin quickly turned to sour face when