
Jessi, you know how I know Shiner is the most bad-ass beer around? I left half of one on the coffee table overnight. When I woke up, I was cursing myself for wasting half of a great beer, so I thought I would punish myself by drinking it anyway. It still tasted great.

Craig, I"m with you on Viva Variety. My dad faithfully recorded them and sent them to me, so I was also saddened that it didn't seem to be sticking in America. It's possible that an exposure to the ridiculous European variety shows of the 80s & 90s may have aided in appreciating Viva Variety, but it certainly wasn't

I rocked the Free To Be You & Me album for several years. I still catch myself humming a few of the tunes sometimes.

I was protected from the "adult nature" of Grease when I was 9, but at age 13 my dad took me to see Rocky Horror.

Kids are alright (they're really, really short people!), but I'm glad my brother had two & took the pressure off me. Actually, there was no pressure because my parents are reasonably sane people who don't think failing to use birth control is automatically a cause for celebration, but anyhoo…

I'll take my pop culture to the grave, thanks.
I remember watching The Compleat Beatles around age 8. It was one of the first VHS tapes my dad bought for our shiny new VCR. Musically, the Beatles & Queen are the greatest legacy passed down from my dad. My mom was more for the books; she pushed the Narnia, but my

I was being extra nice last Thanksgiving and I took my 8-year-old neice to see HSM3. The only other people in the theater were 4 girls who acted like 12-year-olds in love with Zac Efron. When they left the theater, I realized they WERE 12-year-olds in love with Zac Efron. Hmm.

I'm once again crossing my fingers for Adam to sing Diana Ross's "I'm Coming Out." I know it's a long shot, but not only would he slay it, it would be wonderfully appropriate.

Santos, that's what I was trying to make my husband understand when I told him I didn't like Adam's performance. It was like we were witnessing a preview of "The 60's! The Musical!". Technically proficient, but soulless. I mean, John Kay sold you that song with his growl and devil-may-care attitude. Adam made me

Sybil for the laugh-til-I-cry win!

Damn fine movie, Karatloz. Damn fine.

No, Jessica, technically he's an average to lame singer. He's probably an alright piano player, but this isn't Piano Idol, so who gives a fuck? He's completely uninteresting except for the freaky growth on his forehead (is it a wart? is it an albino mole? how is it so perfectly centered so as to appear to be a

I believe it's "Windy" by the Association. But I'm not Googling it to be certain, so you'll just have to hope I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

I got very pissed off when Michael sang. That shit was weak. Eddie Murphy's version in "Raw" was better than that shit.

TBobT, I loved it *mumbles "Dark? I'm not cutting myself…"* and I loved her for saying it. Made my whole night.
I just know that some people took it WAY too seriously and thought she was a bit flaky. I say fuck it, she can sing. And while that is obviously not the point of this show in reality, it still is in

Randy, despite his attempts to always be on his game, is never, in fact, on his game. How sad is it that with a drunken, slurring Paula Abdul just two seats over, you come off looking like the real idiot?

I like that you get a brief second of a young William Peterson's junk. Didn't know he was up for that kind of stuff, and it made me like him even more.

I don't take this show all that seriously, and with very few exceptions, I can't see myself ever buying anything that these glorified karaoke singers put out as their musical gift to the world.

Buckethead Wendy, thank you for "Rock of Love and also Crabs" Tour Bus. You've made my whole day brighter with those 6 words.

Jeebus knows, Karalotz, I tried to warn ya, but you didn't believe me.