
Nah, you're not alone, Bourne. I felt it was way too scripted.

Holy Shit! I clicked on Claire's link and under related videos is something called "Masterbating (sic) Cat". Ha ha!, right?

Adam was the snake charmer, and I was the snake.

Confuzzle, the night he made it to the top 12 (at least it was still 12 at that time) was the night his late wife's brother held up a pic of Danny & his late wife for the camera. That's shameless pandering, or at least the most obvious example of it.

I was wondering why he was singing to Paula & Kara. Dude, it's "Pretty Young Thing," not "Crazy Old Cougar."

Me too, Sugartits, me too.

I saw Star Wars when I was 5. My mom tells me that at the moment Darth Vader first appears, I got out of my seat & climbed into her lap.

I'm convince that as we get older, we tolerate less bullshit and have less need for self-censorship. With that in mind, I embrace my life after 40.

I apologize if that came off as disrespectful. I remember a while back on these here boards someone saying that he was encouraged to try out for AI by a friend of his who was murdered last year. I sort of assumed it was this girl. While it made national news, it wasn't a personal loss to most of America, but it

I'm pretty sure "let's have a top 13" was not a last-minute decision. They promised a BIG SURPRISE since the beginning, and 4 judges picking 3 wild card contestants seemed unlikely. My co-conspirators have been saying for the last month that it would be 13, so no big surprise here.

Who needs tragedy? I, like everyone else that ever lived and breathed in this world, has had some personal tragedy. Big deal.

I won a dollar from my husband who didn't believe me that there were going to be 13. As soon as Matt and Anoop were the only ones left, I said, I bet it's both. He figured I was bullshitting, so he proposed the dollar bet.

Seeing movies with yer mom
I like to see movies with my mom because she's smart, intuitive, and she is willing to politely tell chatters to shut up.

I convinced a friend to go and see it. She asked me beforehand something to the effect of "it's not going to be violent and bloody, is it?" Having seen Bottle Rocket & Rushmore, I easily said no.

When Ryan asked Matt Giraud what he needed to do to make it to the top 12, I was hoping Matt would say "not Coldplay." Instead, he offered up some "I have to BRING IT!" pep-talk bullshit.


I'm still hoping some clever tv producer (is that an oxymoron?) will sign him for the "Normund Gentle Hour" song & dance extravaganza! Bring back the zany variety show!

I thought it was uniformly boring until Lil took the stage. The performances before her were fairly lackluster or worse, and then she came along with her badonkadonk and natural ease and blew everyone off the stage.

Jonk, I never said the ONLY people who vote for American Idol are in the Bible Belt. I said a large portion, and I belive that to be true. Here's a couple reasons why:
1. Other than New York and San Fransicso (which are east & west coast rather than "northern"), the northern-most audition was held in Kansas City,

My apologies, Smilner. Judging by your other comments, you come across as someone who appreciates this show for the reality television that it is. You are not fooled into thinking that it is a talent show or an actual singing competition, and you take exception to being lumped in with the mouth-breating, double