
Jonk, do you think that people MAYBE took the election of our president a little more seriously than the early voting for American Idol? Besides, a large portion of American Idol's core fans/voters are bible-belt. Look how they're falling for that douchebag Danny (hey, did you know his wife died? He should win!)

The crazy girl is sad.
Indeed. As you say, it was no great surprise that in a match up of Tatiana and Danny (did you know his wife died?), Danny would be the one to get through. It seemed unneccessarily cruel, therefore entirely appropriate for this shitfest.

Oh yeah, and poor little Stevie took a big fat dump all over the stage. I listened all the way through just to hear if it ever got better.

Close your eyes and Dead-Wife Danny (did you already know his wife died?) sounds just like that no-talent ass-clown, Michael Bolton.

You want a talent show? Go ask someone to bring back Star Search. American Idol is a reality show. Get out your checklist:
1. Manufactured drama? Check
2. Marginally qualified contestants? Check
3. One or more "bitchy" contestants (either real bitch or cleverly-edited-to-seem bitch)? Check
4. Elimination by

Smilner, you're correct. 25k members does not mean 25k votes. It's probably more like 200k votes since a lot of them are obsessed with making an impact. There are apparently ways to have your computer dial repeatedly for the two hours that voting is opened. I've read posts from people bragging about getting 400+

VFTW has 25000 members who can all stay up later than the little girls who all want to vote for the boys they don't believe are gay. Their voting bloc may not be enough to push Tatiana very far, but it will be enough to drive away lots of faithful viewers who take the show MUCH too seriously.

I saw this in the theater when I was visiting my family in the U.S. They all went to see "What Dreams May Come" instead. I know I made the right choice.

Damn, like Pilgrim, I was pretty excited about Gutterballs until you had to go and ruin it, bradley.

So no one is going to say it? After Kara emotionally beat down that Rebecca chick and the girl started crying for real, Kara played it off by turning to Paula and saying "hit me." I wish, I wish, I wish I could have been there to do it.

That was totally the best part of an incredibly boring hour of television. Paula was laughing (in a way that said "this is awkward") and she just stopped dead at "She wants a baby." The discomfort in the room was immediate, and Randy had a look that said "oops" and "what did I do wrong/that was funny, wasn't it?"

Sanjaya would be a week-long plaything. Anoop could hold a conversation buring the afterglow. Maybe it would only be a conversation about barbeque, but that's still a subject I can appreciate. Sanjaya would have to be ball-gagged.

I'd like to know by show of hands how many people caught on to how many dick referrences came out of Kara? She referred to the younger and less talented (it seemed impossible, I know) Castro brother as "ballsy" and "cocky". She told the over the top "Over the Rainbow" guy that he had a big "instrument." (And let's

I have a strong attraction to the dark skin/large nose of Anoop (in a Kal Penn sort of way.) His "nerdiness" (HA!) only makes the attraction stronger. I don't think he'll last, as anyone of Asian descent doesn't get very far on American Idol. Pity.

Oh, yes. I want Bikini Girl to go all the way just for the ever-escalating cat fights. I know she'll have to wear some clothes, but I like the image of her and Kara clawing at each other's eyes and tops.

No shit, dude. I think I was 8 or so, and I remember crying my eyes out. That was wrong. A Blagojevich on you and your house for mentioning that which I try to forget.

Wow. I guess I got a leg up on this one, as it's my mom's favorite movie of all time. I have a hard time giving people the "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT?" line since it is long and takes some patience. Worth it every time, though.

That's a damn sight sexier than the quote I got. I gave him a quote from "Lolita", but that's because I read more books than he does.

My shame? I think not.
I've managed 36 years on this planet without seeing "It's a Wonderful Life." The closest I've come is seeing the short film "A Junkie's Christmas" and I think I came out ahead on that deal. Several forces have conspired to end this streak, but I hold fast.

Braveheart was a giant mess to me. It was good, then it was okay, then it was sort of exciting, then the ending with the Christ-like pose lost me forever.