
Time Will Tell
This has always been one of my favorite season 1 episodes. The mythology that was just being introduced seemed so fresh and intriguing. I always liked that, except for that slip of the tongue, the show never makes a huge obvious issue of the fact that Giovanni Donato was in fact Giovanni Donato. It's

I think Rambaldi in and of itself wasn't bad. The problem was that it this element of the story grew and got out of control very quickly, particularly after JJ Abrams was no longer involved in the day to day business of running the show. Particularly in later seasons, Rambaldi was used as a get out of jail free card


I always liked Will, a lot more than I ever liked Vaughn, in fact.


I've been looking forward to this!
I was really happy to hear you were going to be revisiting Alias on your podcast, and I took the opportunity to start watching again myself.