
I also read that. Instantly became one of the best books I have ever read.

Caitlin's criticism of The Secret History does a great disservice to that novel. I hate when people criticize Tartt for "romanticizing" the lives of East Coasters. Tartt is, if anything, vehemently critical of the moneyed nepotism of the East Coast, Ivy League culture throughout The Secret History. I can't speak to

I'm nearly through "Against the Day," which would bring me one step closer to reading everything Pynchon has written (still have Vineland, and Inherent Vice).

This became obvious to me only in hindsight, unfortunately.

The trailer does this movie no justice.

I think Fassbender nails that role so perfectly. To my mind, the First Class trilogy is made by his presence. Aside from Jackman as Wolverine, he is the best cast actor in the X-Men films. Which says a lot because Stewart is also great.

Nailed it!

I went on a double date with a couple I'm close with and one of their good friends. They suggested seeing a movie that was in the Oscars conversation, and I recommended we go see Manchester by the Sea, as I had heard excellent things about it. I will fully admit that during the scene highlighted above, I had a

answer: they will die.


I look at this world and I see nothing worth liking.

That might actually make GoT a good show!

I thought this was a brilliant piece of television. Sorry!

Bowie - "Heroes"

I remember listening to that song in a room full of bros who begged me to change it over the course of the first two or so minutes. Of course, they changed their tune.

From personal experience, I fully endorse the LSD-Kid A combo.

I remember the first time I heard a Radiohead song was after a tough break-up while I was in college. I was at a house party which was nearing it's conclusion, late as it was, and for whatever reason "Let Down" came on, and even more surprising was that the ten or twelve people still around let it play to conclusion.

I always preferred it to anything MBV ever put out. Not a slight in any way to MBV; they kick ass too. But Nowhere, man, it is prime fucking stuff.

It's a shame that in any other year, this would be (deservedly) in most top ten lists.