Tomwaits, I hate to be picky, but it's spelt "tool".
Tomwaits, I hate to be picky, but it's spelt "tool".
Eliza Dushku will be looking for work, I guess. She can be Lucy Liu, Summer Glau can be Farah Fawcett and I think maybe The Rock would make a good BA Barracus.
May you die of anal cancer.
Ah, I see that Jecle is unaware of "jokes".
So, Rowsdower, what you're saying is that we should all agree that he's a twee, posh, style-over-substance, easy-emotion, one-trick, tweed wearing git, and that no more should be said about it? Agreed.
You're not the first, and you won't be the last - I see him as more Dickensian, myself.
Finally, the truth!
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 3 - I'm An Idiot
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 2 - The Reeducation Of Lauryn Hill
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill - The Reeducation Of Lauryn Hill
'Just cos she dances the pole, that don't make her a ho, no'. Remember that one? That was pretty catchy. And, I wouldn't skip "Gone Until November" if it came up on my i-pod. Not that it's on my i-pod. I'm just saying, he hasn't been ALL bad. It's not like he's a total douche. OK, he's kind of a douche.
Oh, I also meant to ask Zack if it was fun Handlen' so much Dick this week?
So, you're saying there'll be no G2G for a while because things are all cock-a-hoop in the office, what with all the year / decade end stuff?
Scotteb - you're the Switzerland of the Egg Salad Wars.
If you can't beat them, Alcing, join them. We could be the first schtick posting double-act. How about I'm, like a Robot Detective from the future, and you are my partner, a talking dog that wears a hat? Oh, and one of us is really right wing; that could be you, actually, and maybe my thing could be to talk mainly…
I call Shenanigans on you, Buck Stagg.
Eeeewwwww! Gross! Egg fucking salad? That thing that smells like farts and looks like sick and tastes like sick made of farts? Y'all are perverts.
Holy shit, Buzzkills is cancelled? I thought that maybe Sean was on holiday or something.
Elron - actually, I heard that The Wu were in South Asia right now, selling some kind of software that stops you being bothered by constant e-mails trying to sell you furniture.