"kneeling on the floor and grimacing in pain"
"kneeling on the floor and grimacing in pain"
Art / Artist
So, I was thinking, maybe we should decide whether it's possible to enjoy Polanski's films on their own merits, or whether disgust at what the man has done necessitates that we think about his work in a different way.
I'll come in on the Aviator love. I'm not a mega-fan, and I'm not particularly interested in defending him, but I always have trouble understanding the Leonardo Di Caprio hate - he's a fine actor.
"MAXIMUM OWNERSHIP" as I believe the hip kids say
It sounded pretty weak until I read "a maneuver that involves running up people's torsos so he can kick them in the face" - now I'm looking forward to the DVD coming out.
On the half shell, it's the heroes four /
In this day and age, who could ask for more? /
Something, something, and Leonardo is serious /
Something, something Shredder so mysterious /
They didn't say they'd be there in half an hour /
Because they had….. Turtle Power!
Can you imagine if she was your therapist? You'd be all, like, "yeah, we'll talk about that in a minute, but first do the bit where you go 'Si, Meeeeeester Faaawlty' ."
"Hasn't been funny for about 20 years"?
I would like to subscribe to Button the cat's newsletter. No, wait, miaowsletter. No, wait! Newslitter.
I won't pretend to be too familiar with this dude…
…but after reading this interview I would say that, in terms of food related TV presenters, Alton Towers above the rest.
That might well be the case, mbs, I don't doubt it.
Funny, Lord Running Clam, I thought exactly the same thing when I saw Nabin's name at the top of the review.
Oh, come on, Arsenio, this just smacks of jealousy on your part. Are you just pissed off because he was sticking it to Pamela Anderson?
"The Hip-Hop : The Story Of A Rap Singer"
Hmm, that wasn't supposed to happen - now, due to my ineptitude, I have lost both shoehans in two separate boating accidents, and the stench of failure teems from my very pores.
If I bought a pair of these shoehans…
….. and then I lost one of the shoes in, say, a boating acccident, and I was left with only half a pair of said shoes, then I would be…
If I bought a pair of these shoehans…
….. and then I lost one of the shoes in, say, a boating acccident, and I was left with only half a pair of said shoes, then I would be…
Sitting on his wall, like some clueless egg cunt!
The man coughed. There was ash in the air. The ground was covered in ash. Ash. The man looked down the long, grey holiday road. The boy coughed. He was getting thinner. Ash.
"… and Predator flew back to his home planet, carrying no new trophies and weeping for what humanity had become."