Legface P Backshot

"And where does "Fright Night" fit in?… "From Dusk Til Dawn"? "

Tobleroning For Columbine
First of all, I'm totally shocked - Michael Moore has lost a SHIT LOAD of weight! Secondly, I'd have thought that making a documentary about some dude eating chocolate and crabs was too gimmicky, even for him.

I would like to travel back to the AV Club offices, about a week ago, when they were choosing their questions for Q&A and then I could have been, like, "hang on, dudes, you should totally pick Karatloz's question, because it's pretty good."

(I'm finding it a little noodly…. I prefer my kind of repetetive gets-under-your-skin stoneryness, like maybe earlier QOTSA or the aforementioned Sleep).

Fucking hell, Otto - I swear to god this is a true story, and now I'm actually a little bit scared of you….

Dude G is cool and I want to be like Dude G.

I was blown away by "Blood Mountain" last year and, since then, I've been getting recommendations from my friends and trying to fall back in love with rock and metal. I kind of fell out of love with metal a long time ago, and was completely out of the loop, so I've just been listening to what friends thought I might

Good firstie, sir - die in a Campfire.

Yeah, well I'd rather listen to Neneh Cherry with my main man Butros Butros Gali.

NOTHING is like being French.

"It's already begun" - ha, Bear, you fucking loser, you are SO two hours ago!

Really? I was thinking the guy from Sex In The City and Northern Exposure.

Yeah, but you know it would just be Eddie Murphy dressed in 14 different fat suits shouting "motherfucker" over and over, and farting.

But oh what images!

So then they put me in the back the car at the station
From that point on me reach my destination
When the destination reached, it was the east detention, where them
Whipped down me pants, looked up me bottom


The very simple answer to this be: not all unregistered people are trolls, and not all trolls are unregistered.

Sherm - failed tensies; Mogumbo - failed twelvesies. Go and die of cancer, etc.

OK, help me out here - I know that no-one really expects Fairey to solve the global economic crisis (that would be silly!), but am I the confused asshole missing raindog's sarcasm, or is he the confused asshole missing Emporor Jim's sarcasm?

I agree with Sherm - it's different things. I mean, I'd like him to stop leaving his work in public because it looks trite, cliched and boring, but he shouldn't be compared to some asshole scrawling a swastika on someone's front door.