Der Rabbi

Marvel seems to be embracing their inner Ditko and Kirby lately.

No Kree in this film that I saw.

In the comics she's the Celestial Madonna. Someone here might be able to remind me what that means.

They perhaps push him a little too broad now and again but the performance is just saw charming.

I guess you could say it has the same conceit, but it certainly doesn't follow that it has the same "plotting & story problems" necessarily.

Don't worry. No one is.

They prefer the term National Socialists.

I'm assuming she's a dead woman in Infinity War. Consumed by revenge.

It was a Watcher for sure which I'm surprised Fox doesn't hold the right to.

Someone smeared their AOS stink on my Inhumans.

There are few things a good defenestration can't fix.

So long as Charlie Brown never gets to kick the football I'm fine with it thematically.

"What's the difference between this guy and that guy …. 5 million dollars". Pretty much sums up American foreign policy.

I know these people. They exist.

They appear to be written well before that time. Perhaps just thematically.

It's called only gorgeous women are allowed on tv syndrome.

Uh, those records seem to be good indicators he's a sociopath.

I think it's more he's out of his element.

Bart looks nothing like Homer.

"Some I assume are good people"