Der Rabbi

But you might have listened to people or encouraged people to tell you so.

There are some interesting themes in the prequels. It's the execution that's the problem. By execution I mean dialogue, casting, correography, characterization, pacing …

ANY alien character at some point. So humanoid normative.

Because if there's anything films get consistently right it's rock music.

eh … he drew a lot of shadows from office blinds. Just like Eisner.

All 3 are actually talented?

His artwork makes that mediocre Elektra book kind of a decent read.

I had never seen Ep 3 and watched it the other night on TNT. I suppose it is the best of the 3 but yeesh. I could barely make it thru that thing.

Thewlis and Stuhlbarg? Man Fargo punches in its own class.

He's hostile. Check. You're stupid. Check. Glad everything works out.

A Hollywood remake not good you say? Shocking. Must be bc they gave women speaking roles.

Perhaps people are saying some of these character aren't malleable enough to go that dark. Yes there's a spectrum of malleability to them, but perhaps it isn't infinite.

Nearly all Marvel animation looks terrible.

Massive budget differences. Compare a for theatre 40-50s Road Runner cartoon to a tv 60s-70s Road Runner cartoon. Night and Day. Fleischer Superman cartoons of the 40s to my knowledge are still the most expensive per minute adjusted for inflation cartoons ever.

Capitulation isn't exactly the same as admitting they've been beat. Not like they got the character fairsies squaresies anyway.

To be fair they also wanted to conquer Central and South America.

I'm all for opening up the ethnicity of these characters, but let's be honest. If you are looking for "fresher more diverse stories" maybe Justice League isn't the place to get those.

"What's an anti-SJW? MRA?"

I always wished after JLU they had just gone to a "Tales from the DC Universe" in the same tone/continuity.

They really should make a Star Wars horror/slasher film set 15 years before this. 5 young Padawans have escaped Order 66 and flee to the outer rim pursued by Vader who picks them off 1 by 1.