Der Rabbi

Pure id.

His late 60s & 70s movie posters are just a broad cultural idiom at this point they were so influential and ubiquitous.

Kamen's stuff is so flat though. He's definitely good at the domestic crime stuff. Less so at the moodier broader stuff. I definitely don't see him having the chops of doing something on the level of Craig's "The Sewer".

Ego is cool. Who needs logic.

Ingels stuff was so scratchy. It's a hard style to get across in comics. Especially at 1950's reproduction techniques.

Davis may have been the best of the original EC artists. He was definitely the most diverse. Basically he was the 2nd best artist at each of their main genres. Elder was the best comedy artist, Davis the 2nd; Wood the best sci-fi, Davis 2nd; Craig the best crime artist; Kurtzman the best war artist, etc. I guess

What happened to the Moon Knight rumors?

In direct contrast to the profound cultural engagement the original series had on American culture. Right up there with the Bible, the Sears catalogue and The Fountainhead.

I haven't seen the sketch but perhaps she is **gasp** playing a character.

Time to take some of that money and donate it to a charity.

So is Klaw in this thing or not?

They should let Zdarsky and Quinones relaunch the FF now that Howard the Duck is winding down.

Listening to the Alan Partridge audiobook autobiography while driving nearly cost me my life more than once.

So are notifications completely broken now if you have an AV Club acct? Keeps prompting me to long into a Disqus account (which I have a separate one but then I'd be logged into a different acct)

A Serious Man is brilliant and a better/funnier film than the other Coen Bros films that made the list.

4 Lions and Bad Santa should be higher. School of Rock should get the boot.

Marvel better have gotten FF back for lending this permission.

I'm willing to enter negotiations for them to make less.

Think the only real dilemma with the time machine is do you kill Snyder or Hitler 1st.

Cosmo is great …. there there's this to consider.