
Darwinism is shorthand for 'Social Darwinism' and thus (a) is probably used incorrectly and (b) if actually used correctly, is being used for an incorrect usage of evolutionary theory to justify bullshit.

He was apparently a straight transvestite, though, as he makes some comments about Audrey Horne which led him saying "I still put my panties on one leg at a time, if you know what I mean" (I believe Cooper's reply was "Actually, no I don't")

I would probably recommend Dr. Susan Calvin.

Ironic Death
Would be trying to read this article on your iPhone while driving and crashing your vehicle.

Damn, I was really hoping for a bit on "Twin Peaks"…

Wait, did this idiot just post a link to the AVClub page we're on right now?

I think things like Twitter and Facebook have caught up - if not surpassed - WoW in the addictive shame department.

Nice to see some trolls prefer the old-fashioned personal touch.

"Class Reunion". Good episode.

And the episode that introduced Anya demonstrated that Buffy didn't cause the supernatural in Sunnydale - in the alternate reality she was fighting another Hellmouth somewhere in Ohio.

"You made the fires worse!"
"Worse? Or… better?"

"Twisted" would be a good way to describe it. Which is why Nickelodeon - much like with "Ren and Stimpy" - fought it every step of the way and then buried it.

Non-HPL writers tend to turn the school into a parody of itself, but the original is fairly ordinary. Which is what makes the creepy stuff really creepy.
The nightmare of poor students having to make do in off-campus housing that is haunted in the worst way possible is fairly creepy.


Considering I grew up in a cultural wasteland, I didn't hear the Smiths until late in the game. Still love 'em.

There's nothing remotely 'goth' about Stephanie Meyer either.

Anytime I think of Michael Bay's success, all I have to do is remember that he ripped "The Island" off an old Z-grade movie from the 1970s whose maker sued his ass after it appeared on MST3K and people began to notive the slew of similarities.

I've always thought it was great to discover that he was aware that he was a disaster, and thought it was a family curse.

@Elistist Trash - There's nothing remotely 'goth' about Twilight fans.

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