
Amazing call. Indeed it does, at the opening and also towards the end when the dink-dink game sounds gradually evolves back into Vai squeals.

The tie-dyed kid's hairstyle is pretty spot on but unless he's rich I can't imagine many parents springing for his buddy's hairstyle. A lot going on there.

The vest over t-shirt was a very real thing for a few years during the early 90s but I can't recall kids wearing them.

The rest of the story: A week later, these two were turbo thwackin' in Principal Smith's office because that goody-goody narc bitch Jenny from science class saw Harley and Jeff puffing on a joint outside the rear school entrance. Jeff confessed under duress that he stole the weed from Harley's older brother's

Yes, and the plumber just told me to eat more fiber because he's not coming out again.

I've read that a few journalists were told by their sources that there was going to be some major mud slung at Bernie if he won. The weird essay that included a strange part about rape fantasies was one thing. Also he voted to have some kind of waste disposed of near a Hispanic area in Texas instead of Vermont. His

Yes. This. Trump could whip his dick out and wave it at Andrea Mitchell while telling her to get on her knees on live TV. Then within a few days VERY Serious Pundits would be on CNN tsk-tsking that the Democrats were being the biggest meanies ever for calling Trump disgusting, and that they really need to stop talking

Absolutely. There's just too much smoke right now to ignore. A rival foreign power meddling in our election, even if they leaked video of Trump being shit on by Russian hookers while he's screaming "SAD!", is a big fucking deal.

As someone of mixed American Indian/white descent and part of the American Indian community, the week of the election was fascinating. It was like a whole group of white Americans finally saw the America that our community and other POC communities see. I'll never forget Election Night, I was at a party and got there

Every time I've wondered since last year whether Trump has dementia, someone has told me that was ridiculous and outlandish. I've noticed fewer and fewer people calling me out that way in the last month or so. "Unintelligible", indeed.

Shredded leaves or grass clipping from the yard is much better than peat moss anyway. Peat moss also is bad for plants that don't like acidic soil.

I know, in the right role he's pretty good.

I'll never forget that one time when Ovechkin really nailed Jagr in the Olympics and there was a question about whether it was a cheap headshot on CBC, and Cherry said "I don't get what the big deal is everyone knows the Russians hate the Czechs. That's how they are over there" Ron MacLean just looked at him like he


Jeffrey Lord, who was born when someone threw a Dorito at a baboon at the zoo, and said baboon consumed it and later got sick and shat out a fully grown fuckhead prick who became a CNN commentator for some reason.

Boy, that guy had a fall from grace, didn't he?

Way to ruin Sturgell Simpson for me, man.

Every gay person I know who's into politics insist to me that he's a closet self-hating gay man. I can see that.

Attel's a respected comic, though. Daniel Tosh seems to me like a guy who would troll women's health forums with rape jokes just because he thinks it's funny.