
Trump might as well started his rant yesterday with "now I'm going to completely fuck up what squamateprimate posted on the AV Club today"…

Well, the modern version of Nazis were triggered by Rogue One and NPR Tweeting that sickening divisive document on July 4th, the Declaration of Independence. So I say go for it.

That would probably solve the current threat of nuclear war.

It's very funny. Hope it finds a new home.

"lol caring"

No no, let him explain himself. Rollo's a big boy, he can handle himself.

Oh, for God's sake, Sean, we got it like 10 years ago. You're a shitty human being. You can let up on trying to prove it.

I remember people ripping Hanson really hard in 1997. A few years later with all the boy bands, those same people were realizing just how good they had it.

Me too, Sean. I like the Squirrel Nut Zippers as well. Most Cherry Poppin' Daddies would have no idea who they were referring to in "Pallin' with Al."

Not mentioned:

Absolutely. Would see like 10 copies of it.

I remember in the 90s at a record shop on the Southside of Pittsburgh they used to have these CD compilations in a basket at the front of the place for free. I did find some good bands that way. But I don't recall paying for them.

Who's The Banana Splits of punk rock?

"Pleasant Valley Sunday" beat Green Day by 25 years as far as suburban teen angst goes.

Hey, hang in there. Pretty soon the new generation will start getting play, and you can join us in saying how back in your day, you were never like that and were respectful/hardworking/caring/better…just like others before you!

I'm 50 years old and find the whole bitch about the Millennials ruining everything so tiresome, maybe because I found it tiresome when I was told in the early 90s how I didn't give a shit about anything and did nothing but whine. But since November, I have an infallible, one-word retort to any Millennial bashing…

Yes. Two things I've noticed here…pretty soon to bitch about Millennials, you'll have to start bitching about 40 year olds. Look up the generally accepted birth range. And second, it seems like we were bitching about Millennials for a very long time, longer than Gen X.

Eh. Every generation says that. I imagine there were people 2000 years ago saying "can you believe that know-it-all Jesus kid?"

Ralphie would have had a Little Orphan Annie decoder app and his poor little brother wouldn't have nearly pissed himself.

suburb-of-a-mid-sized-city cliche?