
I agree with you, I was always talking to friends about this show and they'd just sort of shrug. CBS bouncing the damn thing around in different times didn't help.

I cannot judge the unbreaded sandwich, as my childhood creation was potato chips and mustard on white bread.

My father was 6'3", 200 lbs of pretty mild-mannered muscle, and he ate a breakfast sandwich that was an egg, two slices of bacon, a slab of scrapple, with horseradish and a little King syrup on wheat toast. My brothers and I are afraid to try it. His name for it, in keeping with my hometown of York PA in PA Dutch

Any update on the condition of the stage?

Yeah, he's cool and not preachy about it.

That's one extremely unappetizing looking hamburger.

Holy shit, yeah. I'd like to see the AV Club write something about it. Such a great movie.

Yes, my ex-girlfriend who was pretentious as hell got the catalog and got a bit annoyed at Seinfeld making fun of them.

You are correct. It's indeed why the puss-fest is ongoing.

Sting doing the yodeling shit for hours.

In all seriousness, cool story bro. I'd put them up every year too.

I actually think people got sick of this not due to SNL episodes but for some reason every non-funny human being in America glommed onto it and wouldn't stop doing the bit. You couldn't make copies without the office asshole coming up with stupid versions of your name.

Well if you didn't try to eat the jar you wouldn't have severed your intestines, hmmmmm?????


Those of you who hate Ben Roethlisberger, just comfort yourself with the joy you'll feel when his knees go out after he balloons up to 365 pounds a year after he retires.

Those Uggs…

He's going to have them wear wool uniforms.

Yeah, even Roethlisberger said as much.

Please please please for the sake of all of us who watch MNF, someone hire Gruden.

btw I should be clear, nuclearhobbit, I'm not saying you're full of shit or whatever, I'm just saying the NFL's interpretation of the rule is so inconsistent.