There were bars of soap all over the street!
There were bars of soap all over the street!
My go-to mental image of Emma Watson is that my friend's sister was a student at Brown for part of the same time, and once in the library Emma Watson wasn't being quiet enough and my friend's sister shushed her. This was especially amusing because Watson took a hiatus from university, allegedly because people were…
It's nice to know that the police have the resources to post an officer outside Gillingham's house 24/7 in case Green was indeed murdered. As they say, "the hypothetical criminal always returns to the scene of the potential victim's employer's residence."
They'll find a round-trip ticket to Sarajevo dated the day the Archduke was assassinated.
Bates actually did kill Mr. Pamuk. To protect the honor of the family who had saved him from the poorhouse, Bates used a poison dart gun as Pamuk began to deflower Mary.
It was obvious that Branson didn't even want her to come to dinner anymore.
Gregson, having only been wounded and temporarily disoriented by those horrid men in brown shirts, was on his way back from Germany to marry Edith. By chance, he encountered his cousin's former servant, Mr. Green, who promptly fell into the street and died. Knowing that no one would ever believe it was only an…
Jeanne de Navarre is an interesting figure, partly due to the fact that she really wasn't likable. Her parents seem to have been a love match, and her mother Marguerite (sister of Francois I) was a beloved, emblematic Renaissance woman, but Jeanne didn't inherit her humanism or charisma. She and Catherine may have…
I also thought it could be read more as about the hypocrisy of men in power - yet not quite ever enough power for the cardinal. It reminded me of the Affair of the Poisons under Louis XIV. The king was fine with a literal witch hunt torturing and executing people, but when his mistress, Madame de Montespan was…
Yes, I hated that speech of Leith's at the end about how Greer had to not be jealous of him if he was going to 'respect her waiting for Lord Castleroy.' What does that even mean to Leith? That he's going to give Greer a finite waiting period before putting the moves on her, or he's going to try to seduce her once…
Glad that Reign is back and safe for the rest of the season.
Kenna's style isn't usually something I think would look good on me, but I really liked that blouse she was wearing all episode. Very new Pantone Color of the Year.
Next season on Downton Abbey :
Bates is arrested on suspicion of murdering Lady Mary's Contraceptive Device.
At some point, Julian Fellowes decided that Edith's Job-like suffering was powerful, universal force that must continue to fuel all life. If Edith's misery were ever to end, or if Mary's ocean of suitors were to run dry, the Earth (or at the very least, Yorkshire) would spin off its axis to crash into the Moon, and…
Not to my knowledge, sorry to get your hopes up, just that they did the dancing episode previously.
For the rest of my life, some part of me will be missing Tobias.
I was so glad when Toby showed up to speak some truth, although I wasn't so pleased that his haircut is in Hitler Youth territory.
The time jump to the week before college didn't really work. I mean, what was Daphne doing all summer? Did Kathryn and Regina just think all her problems and emotional fallout would just solve themselves (John obviously did)? They could have dropped a line about Daphne and/or the family going to therapy. Some of my…
"Of course, Edith, you being unconscious from smoke inhalation was the first time in ages I've seen you with any personality. Just try not to burn the rest of us to death in your attempts to attract some attention."
After a routine check-up at Dr. Clarkson's, Spratt is missing all his toenails, his sense of smell, and one of his testicles.
If Gregson comes back, it won't lead to anything good for Edith. He's going to have been indoctrinated as a Nazi sleeper agent, who kills whatever nice man has been courting Edith and helping her get over her grief. Edith will have to kill him in self-defense, ruining her best dress in the process. None of the…