C is sometimes for cookie

Yes, I think the SAT thing will come up again. Regina was being a bit manipulative in that scene about this being Daphne's last chance (which, from what I remember of the college application process, isn't even true. I think Daphne could sit the test again after she applied to Harvard, for example, and they would

In response to Daphne's fantasy wedding sequence, I kept imagining that the groom, like most of her love interests, would be horribly inappropriate.
Angelo could have said, "Does he make you smile? Does he make you feel complete? Is he anything at all like, or happen to in fact be, anyone you dated in your teens?

I couldn't suspend my disbelief past the first scene in the frozen yogurt shop - Carter should have known she was abducted simply due to the apparent four year age difference between herself and her "mother."
Maybe if there had been more than a frozen yogurt scene and a montage of trying on goofy hats to establish

Omar Sharif is busy playing bridge.

When is Regina going to realize that her boss, Wes, has serious anger issues? And don't ask to learn how to shoot a gun from someone who says he just learned how to do so himself, and whom you know from experience is not trustworthy! Both "SaB" mothers were at the soapiest levels of contrived behavior tonight.

I found the whole plot line about Kathryn's book to be gaping with holes in logic, but I agree about the name. All she did was move the initials one letter down the alphabet! It'd be like naming a game-show host character "Blex Urebek." Maybe in the re-write she'll go in reverse order and call her Rara Kazar.

I'm so glad "Switched at Birth" is back and happy to read the reviews and comments! One note - in your review you call him Michael but Emmett's bully is named Matthew.

It would be kind of interesting if he had a variety of scratches, some from a implement and some directly caused by Vanessa's fingernails, and the latter didn't heal (obviously not the ones on his pretty, pretty face). It stands to reason that if what heals his wounds is supernatural, then wounds that were

In this version, there's really no excuse for him not to try to resurrect a woman by himself. I think in the novel, Victor either doesn't write down or destroys all his research, plus there's just something extra-special about Victor that means he's the only one who could ever successfully bring someone back to life

I've been a bit of a Creature/Caliban apologist, but I can't find any excuse for his turn as Phantom of the Opera Lite.
Both Erik in "Phantom of the Opera" and Caliban are hideous, murderous men (with superhuman strength), despised and rejected by their parents and eking out their lonely existence in a theatrical

The demon should have been obsessed with stamp collecting.

This show got the tune "Savages" from Pocahontas stuck in my head, but of course replacing the title with "Cabbages."

Good point.

What's with Victor's hypocritical look-ism? If Victor thinks the Creature is ugly, whose fault is that. Victor can reanimate a body, but he didn't bother to master a basic suturing technique.
I wish Caliban would just take over the laboratory and start making friends for himself. In the novel, I think the Creature

Since she'll presumably lose most of her memories and have to be re-taught how to speak, maybe she won't have her crazy accent anymore.

They play for charity on that one, right? And last year there was a similar show in France, which is based off one Spain, where they play for charity. In this version, are the contestants just playing for the charity of their own fading careers?

"Monkey-vich, Monkey-vich…"

Victor pouts, "Proteus wanted my love!"

The Creature/Caliban interests me, but I could not care less about young Victor walking morosely through a field of blooming flowers and animal carcasses - which, was, like, a profound juxtaposition of life and death (I didn't even get it the first time I watched, it was totally subtle).
EDIT: It took re-reading this

There will probably be more of the Creature in the theatre. He seemed to have things going pretty well considering. I imagine they'll fill in an interaction with the actress he's obsessed with, maybe even with her sympathetic or receptive to him, and he'll get into an unfortunate doesn't know his own strength