
I can't watch this show without freezing the screen every 10 seconds because it's so awkward.

contrived writing=dexter

It could even work that way, but it would merely be a procedural with great characters (see:House). Bryan Fuller and co. were smart enough to never even have a status quo. I'm just glad to know that Hannibal will definitely not become a lumberjack (yes, another lumberjack joke. But come on, A LUMBERJACK? Jesus.)

When Dexter shied away from consequences at the end of its second season, the producers' excuse was that it was "too soon to set up the end game". Hannibal proves them wrong. It's not even about setting up the end game, it's about finding new, bold storylines which lead the characters closer and closer to their

Has anyone ever gathered every metaphor/symbolism displayed on the show and used them to explain the characters' states of mind and motives throughout both seasons? If so, could someone point me to the website in question? If not, get to work, Internet ! (I know I'm going to try to find every meaning of every metaphor