
I assumed Galen's name had an extra E with that one Irish symbol over it.

I know they're suppose to be neolutionists and all(so no judgements), but I mean how could no one not raise an eyebrow at that.

Cut off the tail of someone in cahoots with the group that created the clones. How do you celebrate?

I really like this new paring with the Doctor and Clara, almost makes Amy and Rory a distant(but fond) memory.

I really like this new paring with the Doctor and Clara, almost makes Amy and Rory a distant(but fond) memory.

Tig will survive. I'm almost positive.

Tig will survive. I'm almost positive.

What Jax did to Wendy was worse than Death.

What Jax did to Wendy was worse than Death.

My level of Taco envy reached a new level tonight.

My level of Taco envy reached a new level tonight.

It must be the Catholicism coming into play.

It must be the Catholicism coming into play.

I think if they went with Ruby as well being in on the bet it would of been too predictable, Charlie turning the tables was clever really because no one expected it. Hell, even the Gang were dumbfounded.

I think if they went with Ruby as well being in on the bet it would of been too predictable, Charlie turning the tables was clever really because no one expected it. Hell, even the Gang were dumbfounded.

Charlie's little diatribe at the end made the episode for me.

Charlie's little diatribe at the end made the episode for me.

Season 2 >>>>>>>> Season 7

Season 2 >>>>>>>> Season 7

I don't know if it's just me or not, but just personal feeling(and somewhat paying attention to Glenn on Twitter), I also get the feeling that 9 will be it(although 10 seems like a nice round pointing).