
Saddest sendoff was Phil Hartman's "So Long Farewell" song, especially thinking of him hugging Chris Farley at the end.

Not true; have you not watched "The Aristocrats?"

This is a very long story; those kids are still wearing the same outfits.

Victoria died on the way to her home planet.


Also, Chris Kattan could use the work.

Agreed!  I love how consistent they've been with always playing that song whenever the Fiero comes out.

-Another One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
-Citizen Kane, Jr.

We will find out that Vito sold the horse's dad to Jack Woltz's dad or something stupid like that.

or simply "Vito"

I want a subplot where we see Moe Green pick out his eyeglass frames.

Wow, awesome.  Thank you for that.

I can see the imdb trivia section already:  "Robert DeNiro turned down a role in 'The Godfather' prequel because he was already committed to 'More Little Fockers.'"

You gotta admit that he had an impressive career path:
1. Star in 5 Best Picture-nominated films
2. Die

Let the casting nightmares begin!
How about Sasha Baron-Cohen as the Landlord who is scared of Vito Corleone?  I feel like we need to flesh out that guy's backstory more.  Why was he so heartless?  Why did he hate dogs?

I see what you did there.

"Godfather Begins?"

nice book reference!

So a prequel about a trade war?  It can't lose!

Gilly died on the way to her home planet.