
Woah!  Looked up the guest cast list for the finale:  Ed Alonzo will play guard #2!

Did anyone else hear a rumor that Bob Saget has a cameo coming up?

Well, they teased Locke's death on LOST for three consecutive seasons.

I'm sorry, you seem to be implying that Lily is rational.

I agree with this.  I was disappointed when he stopped wearing the ducky tie, as I thought it would have made for a good long one-season gag.

Why is it called Puzzles?

I laughed out loud when I saw that!  HIMYM's callbacks can be subtle, but pay off hard!

Yes.  "Classic."

It's the funnies thing Eddie Murphy has done since "Coming to America" (non-sarcastically), and that includes "Daddy Day Care" (very sarcastically)

"take me with you Dawson!"

Apparently we're not allowed to like this comment?

Same here!  It's nice to see a sitcom plot where there is CLEARLY a twist coming and (despite noticing the title of the episode) I couldn't figure it out prior to the reveal.  Laughed my ass off!

I said the same thing!

"Karen Black.  What an obscure reference"

How about Sensitive Naked Man: The Movie?

I used to enjoy following him on twitter until he somehow came to the conclusion that people followed him for his shot-by-shot PGA commentary rather than jokes.

I'm almost tempted to stop at the descriptor "Peepers continues toeat apples. He loves apples"  because I can't imagine it could get better than that.

The Treehouse of Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy

1 AM, parents asleep, VCR set to Showtime.  (DVR if we aren't talking about 1990).

I agree 100%!  I died laughing when I saw that.  Can't remember the last time I laughed at a 1-second sight gag on a sitcom pilot.