
And then, cut to black and abruptly end the Journey song playing.

The 2006 DVD with the un-remastered bonus disc is the only Star Wars set I've owned since the VHS set bought in 1992.

And other holiday weekend goes by without an Underground Rock Festival skit!  I was sure that we would get a "Crunk Easter Festival."  I die laughing at those for reasons that I cannot explain.

I would LOVE one last two A-Holes skit and, to be honest, would probably even go watch a two A-holes movie.

He fixes the cable?

What's the number to that?

I liked pausing around 0:05 - 0:07…gives a nice picture of the original cloud opening and the frequency of the Halloween episodes.

Is there a Klingon word for loneliness?

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Shouldn't they have officially announced Kill Bill 3 by now?

I want to learn the line "Here's a paper towel" in Korean

Oh, you're gonna be in a "como," pal.

Is there a Klingon word for loneliness?

I would totally watch a mid-90s block of NBC sitcoms on NBC….I mean, I already do it on TBS, so….

Chareth, the flirt.

Don't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling

Meg White & Garfunkel?

"Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back." -Vigo the Carpathian

I like this idea. I vote for Taylor Negron

I feel like I need a guide to know which shows are supposed to be a faux documentary and which ones aren't: