
My girlfriends immediate response to that scene was "kids like clowns?"

Is it bad that I wasn't sure whether or not it was her until I got a good cleavage shot?

He was the Yahoo Serious of his time.

I'm still upset that we never met Bob Sacamano on Seinfeld

Can we get JJ Abrams on board too?  Only because I want Greg Grunberg to play the groundskeeper.

I'm acting and talking angry, but giving a crazy smile.  #Jackface!

The terms "Jason Bateman" and "tries to fix it up to make it a respectable business" makes me hear the "Arrested Development" theme song in my head.

I'm also dreading that when the Kali tryst is finally revealed, that the response will be a lackluster, "you're my boy Hank, so I'm gonna look past this" kind of line.  If that happens, I will not be held responsible for my actions.

Chekov's gun is getting dusty.  Use it already!

Six seasons and a movie!

If the axe-assigning is anything like Hogwart's, no one will care.  "Oh, another one for Slytherin who will likely be evil.  Oh, well"

Though, the LOST writers were paying homage to Hitchhikers when they picked "42."

As long as there is eventually an episode detailing when and why Carrie stopped being cute, I'm in.

I always hated Ross on "Friends" because of his "me so sad, pity me" vibe he would give off. I often yelled at the screen, "BE A MAN, ROSS!"

I'm a complicated guy, sweetheart

At the Catholic Church, we're making a few….changes.

Wow.  I mentioned Family Matters Judy in a Jetsons thread this week.  Is this thought spreading like a virus now?

So glad that I didn't have to be the first one to type that!

Agree with ElDan.  The fact that Rick Moranis was in this movie just shows you how long ago this movie was filmed.