
If not for the Internet, I would doubt my recollection of the existence of a younger sister on "Family Matters."

Casting suspicions?

and Rosie O'Donnell as Betty was not.

Can we get the B-52s to sing The Jetsons theme song?

Good point.  The live-action Flintstones movie came out almost 20 years ago.

"Hey guys, any way that we make the ending of the Watchmen movie MORE disappointing?"  -Conversation that I assume took place at some point.

Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop comparing this to "Remedial Chaos Theory"?   RCT explored the possibility of differing timelines (like "Sliding Doors") while "The Burning Beekeeper" focused on one timeline told from different perspectives.(like REM's video for "Imitation of Life"…best example I can think of right

I agree with this entirely.  I thought the whole point of leaving GNB and becoming an environmental lawyer was so that Marshall could STOP bitching about work.

"the guy who plays Marshall's boss."   The 1980s are spinning in their graves.

He's funny strange, not funny ha-ha.

I would rather have seen dogs with bees in their mouths.

I hope they have the same inspired writers that wrote for "Outsourced" and any Raj storyline on "Big Bang Theory."


whenever Poochie's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Poochie"?

Trapper Dwight, M.D.

She's really funny.

I would watch the shit out of a Creed-based show.