
Holy crap, it's about time some caucasians get cast on SNL. Whew.

Holy crap, it's about time some caucasians get cast on SNL. Whew.

Screw this. I want to see Clint Eastwood yell at an empty chair!

Screw this. I want to see Clint Eastwood yell at an empty chair!

Singles? Ugh, Eddie Vedder sucks.

Singles? Ugh, Eddie Vedder sucks.

Just like that sinking feeling in Hank's bowels.

Just like that sinking feeling in Hank's bowels.

Tonight's TV needs more Clint Eastwood yelling at an empty chair.

Tonight's TV needs more Clint Eastwood yelling at an empty chair.

Is this where Clint Eastwood yells at an empty chair?

Is this where Clint Eastwood yells at an empty chair?

The warm, moist lining of Hank's descending colon.

The warm, moist lining of Hank's descending colon.

Sonia, because nudity bothers you so much, couldn't you consider reviewing a different show? There are plenty of shows without boobs. No snark intended here, just an honest suggestion.

Sonia, because nudity bothers you so much, couldn't you consider reviewing a different show? There are plenty of shows without boobs. No snark intended here, just an honest suggestion.

Yeah, everything came full circle inside Hank's descending colon.

Yeah, everything came full circle inside Hank's descending colon.

Yeah.. should have been bowel, not bowl.

Yeah.. should have been bowel, not bowl.