
I'd actually much rather watch a Feminist Hulk TV show:

I just saw Drive, and I was really empowered when Christina Hendricks' head was blown to shreds. Her shattering skull and brain fragments made me think of Christina Ricci not being included in the price of my Pan Am ticket, thereby challenging patriarchy everywhere.

Hey, the tough-talking draft-dodging journalist is in good company: Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter.

Holy crap, your before/after photos look like two completely different people. kudos.

Is that Adele in the photo?

The summer of '66….was that when your cousin gave you herpes?

Oops, forgot about him. He only had one or two lines in ROTJ, but I'm sure Lucas can plot some quirky adventures for a young Nien Nunb as well.

A Millennium Falcon movie? That would be cool, but only if it explores Lando, Chewie, and Han as little kids just as the Falcon ship was being built by Jar Jar's older brothers, because that's one of the last untouched elements from the original trilogy.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, meeesa loves da Prequel moooovies! What could possibly go wrong?

I can't wait to watch "Chicago Fire: Jobs even more Dangerous and Explosiony than those Paramedics from last year's failed 'Trauma' Series."

I don't feel safe at night unless I know Harry's Law is freeing Teh Blacks and absolving white guilt. Yes, Kathy Bates brings liberty to Teh Blacks in the courtroom, while Genji brings literacy to Teh Blacks in the classroom. Go Genji, white savior, defeating racism everywhere!

I really hope Last Resort has a family for main characters. It'll be like Terra Nova on a submarine! With lots o' crazy teens to cause trouble!

You can cancel Pan Am, but you can't cancel Christina Ricci's award-winning challenges to 1960s patriarchy!

"I drink your milkshake."

So what will Baby Boomers watch now?

I refuse to purchase cable, but I'd be fine with cable companies paying me for subscribing. Or at least give me a refund for stations I refuse to watch like FOX News, CNN, and ESPN1,2,and3.

Does the overweight blonde mamma on 2 Broke Girls enjoy eating cupcakes?
Does Nick Nolte ever mumble incomprehensibles to his horse?
Did Kurt Cobain ever bother to learn about real musicians such as Glenn Gould, John Coltrane or Mercedes Sosa?

Is Mel Gibson busy?

You're definitely the oldest person posting here, gramps.

I was hoping CBS might cancel Person of Interest…