
C+ is fair enough I think. The show was still establishing itself then

Now I'll stop quoting and say that this is starting to get dark and sad. For me this was B+ tops. I didn't like the apple thing, but Chang's thought bubbles were alright.

Jeff: "Over break I took the plunge and started seeing a new shrink"

"We made a deal. October 15th 2009: Friends don't lie to each other."

HAHA! Abed and Britta look the funniest here and Annie… well

I gave it an A-. I found it funny when the Dean was complimenting how Shirley learned something from Greendale (business), Abed imitating the actors on the movies annie rents when they get offended.

He proposed a 3 way in season one with Jeff and Slater

I thought it was rather great.

I haven't seen anywhere near half of the movies, not even Breakfast Club. But most of the stuff they parody are common tropes and cliches so it's easy to get.

"I can't believe you learned all this at Greendale!"

"According to Jim"?

Jeff and Britta are such douches in this episode and I love it.
The whole wedding scene was very good.
Best normal episode of the season.

46 - 0.1%

No particular order:

With all due respect, I have no respect for you sir… :P

I was at school, so I couldn't post until now.


Gimme some fivesies… Turning it into a snake…

sidenote: how old are ted's kids meant to be? Isn't he telling it in like 2030? That's 18 years away, so what footage are they going to use of them at the end when he's done?

Like a poor man's Community: Remedial Chaos Theory. 
HIMYM didn't do it bad, but I didn't see why they had to do it this way, was kind of pointless.