
Shirley left her kids in a grocery store for ages, Jeff left his perfect woman because she had a kid, yet Annie's was still the worst one in terms of my reaction and the most horrific

I liked it but I agree on your point about the opening. Was weird… Even for community

A shooting? I thought the show was called "Glee", which literally means Glee?

I liked the episode. (Ducks for cover cause everyone hates it)

NBA Lockout upset me. Dan Harmon's firing upset me. When my laptop crashes, it upsets me.
Bad things upset people. There's nothing wrong with being upset because something you like, use, enjoy, or have an interest in has had shit happen to it.

NBA Lockout upset me. Dan Harmon's firing upset me. When my laptop crashes, it upsets me.
Bad things upset people. There's nothing wrong with being upset because something you like, use, enjoy, or have an interest in has had shit happen to it.



I'm disappointed with that. I thought his video was the best send-off for a character ever!

I'm disappointed with that. I thought his video was the best send-off for a character ever!

You're Melbournian too? Even rarer we are.

You're Melbournian too? Even rarer we are.

Are you really Aussie? We're rare on this webspace so I'm curious.

Are you really Aussie? We're rare on this webspace so I'm curious.

I was not aware.

I'm surprised people didn't like Course Listing Unavailable. The Starburns videos and speeches were enough to do it for me.

I'm surprised people didn't like Course Listing Unavailable. The Starburns videos and speeches were enough to do it for me.

We're doing this already? Okay:

We're doing this already? Okay:

"Just so you know Britta, this is the only time it is acceptable to seduce a child."