
@Awesome Brain Powers:

While I loved this episode in so many ways, the last few minutes almost ruined it for me. I'm so sick of the way the show has women characters with otherwise strong personalities turn into swooning little girls over the doctor. I loved Donna for bucking that trend, and I think it made her the most compelling

I am Canadian, so I can assure you it's nothing to do with genes, it really was just mind-bogglingly awful.

Absoloutely terrible, pretty much unwatchable. And I say this as a huge fan that saw all the original episodes on the CBC and attended a live taping (I saw them film Poreef!) and now own the series on DVD. I only watched the whole eight episodes out of a sense of nostalgia and a hope that it just had to get better,

A substantial percentage of KITH sketches are never not funny. As previously mentioned, Daddy Drank, Office Submarine, and A Whole Lotta Milka are classics. Lesser known but a personal favourite would have to be "Drunk as a Crow", particularly this line from Bruce after he agrees to send the contents of his mini bar

Where's your father?

I ascertain that they're just upset about my ascertinations!

okay, i will eat your bible, but it will take many days of muching and snacking.

And after that chicken lady sketch those mechanical horses kids ride on in shopping malls are now just disturbing.

*Spoilers for torchwood season 2 and 3 AND buffy season 6…beat that!*